Local Yokel -> RE: CHS PDU game with vanishing Sallys (3/19/2008 3:55:10 AM)
I think that if you check the database you will find that, in CHS, Ki-21 production is switched over to Ki-49 production in December 1941. The only way to prevent this is by modifying the scenario before beginning a game based upon it. I encountered exactly the same factory behaviour as you in this scenario, as I had wanted to concentrate on Ki-21 production because they use Mitsubishi engines. But, like it or not, in CHS NikMod Ki-49's are what you're going to get, so you may need to ramp up your Nakajima engine production accordingly. The upside to this is that, as you convert Ki-21 Sentai's to Ki-49's, your pool of Ki-21's should increase so that you have more airframes available to make good losses in the remaining Ki-21 equipped units.