I am sincerely concerned (Full Version)

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Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> I am sincerely concerned (3/14/2002 10:02:35 PM)

I would not write this in the Steel Panthers WaW forum, but rather the General forum, if not for the simple fact that the only people I am really concerned with are the people I know here.

I recently have encountered, in two separate instances, with two separate individuals, an unfortunate occurance while enjoying the Steel Panthers community and Matrix in general.

The situation has been the same problem in both cases though. And I am concerned that it doesnt occur any further. This may seem off topic, but it is entirely ON topic, as I wouldnt be here if I had no interest in the Steel Panthers WaW community.

Back some time ago, we are talking like perhaps at least 2 years or there abouts, I subscribed to first the ASL mailing list and then eventually to the A3R forum.

Where is the relevance to Steel Panthers and Matrix as a whole?

Well first I stopped being interested in the ASL mailing list, and then after moving to the A3R forum I left it as well.
For the unknowing both ASL (Advanced Squad Leader) and A3R (Advanced Third Reich) are both board games).

I did this because in both cases the participants that were anti-social, reactionary, impolite, (and I think serving society best by being isolated somewhere alone in front of a computer), far out numbered the people that were the opposite ie. nice, open minded, helpful (and definitely a credit to their respective communities).

So just where the heck is he going I guess you are currently wondering.

Well its this. I have basically got to state for the record (and I hope this translates well across foreign language barriers).
I am not now, nor will I be in the future, even remotely interested in offending, giving offense, or in any way desiring to cause anyone on the forum here to have hurt feelings.

This is regardless of how you might wish to interpret what I might say in my posts.
Please people dont read between the lines with my comments.
I am an aries, deception is not one of my many skills.
I am a friendly, but blunt, no strings attached, no hidden meanings, up front honest person. Manners, don't call me on manners. I speak my mind at all times. But I always speak my mind in a basic no holds barred no deception style.
I dont for instance use cute or funny or false representation nicknames. My name actually is Les. Its why I am known as Les the Sarge (ok the Sarge part is a bit inflated).

I know this whole post has been a tiring dialogue. I thank you if you are still with me at this point.

But pleeeeeeeeeeeeease. Enough with the thin skinned petulant responses. Be they here on Matrix, elsewhere, or in personal emails. If you want to know me get ready to know ME. Not an alter ego that is templated to be a pablum grade politically correct farce of the real me.

I am the real me.:)

I now return you to exciting posts about pixel carnage.

Bing -> (3/14/2002 10:37:43 PM)

Les - Call me anything but late for dinner.

My user's name isn't intended to be "cute". Years ago I needed one for my very first dialup Internet account. I had no idea what to use, like yourself I don't go in for cutsie stuff.

The owner (it was and still pretty much is a one man operation ) suggested an amalgamation of my first name and family name: Byron Inglesh became Bing - it stuck and people didn't seem to mind, other than asking me if I could sing worth a darn. (The birds fall out of the trees when I sing.)

So there might be a reason for a handle, and it might not be an attempt to be cute. No big deal.


Mojo -> (3/14/2002 10:57:23 PM)

Howdy Sarge. I'm an insignificant noob but it's nice to meet ya.

I actually made Sgt a few times in a previous life, amazing considering an over developed fondness for honesty and straight talk that wasn't always appreciated by my military "superiors". Perhaps accompanied by under developed tact?

Nothing cute about my nick. It's just the latest in a long line that I've earned for different and sometimes embarrassing reasons. And being something of a musician I am kind of fond of it even though it was bestowed on me in kind of a facetious way. It replaced Rugburn which I received, at least in part because of a beautiful face-plant (the panel of judges gave me an 8.5 out of a perfect 10, I lost a few tenths for style) induced by too much beer and schnapps.

Capt Chris -> (3/15/2002 12:10:27 AM)

I always wanted to be an officer hence Capt. Guess what? My first name is Chris.

I figured that Generals are to high on the food chain and aren't required to pick up a rifle and fight with the soldiers so I didn't want to be one of them. Lieutenants don't seem to be as respected by the men due to their lack of experience in the field.

So I picked Captain.


Maybe this will turn into a nickname explanation thread.

Warhorse -> (3/15/2002 12:27:46 AM)

Warhorse, well, thank Wild Bill for this one!! A couple of years ago, I was doing icons, and oob's at the same time. WB needed something done, and I responded, he said something to the effect of me working like a workhorse, or being a real workhorse. Then he said not a workhorse, a warhorse, hmm, sounded like the makings for a handle, which I didn't have yet, so it stuck!! Thanks Wild One!!:D

V-man -> (3/15/2002 12:28:33 AM)

My nick comes from the fact that I was faced, suddenly, with having to have an net identity and had been cautioned, repeatedly, to not use my real name.

My first nick was "ElevenMike@aol.com", but when I established my own account, I couldn't use it. So I used the name of Grand Marshall Velovich of Bulgaria - I was involved in an online Geo-Political wargame and was playing that (real) person's role in the War. Haven't changed since.


V-man -> (3/15/2002 12:30:34 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Capt Chris
[B]I always wanted to be an officer hence Capt. Guess what? My first name is Chris.

I figured that Generals are to high on the food chain and aren't required to pick up a rifle and fight with the soldiers so I didn't want to be one of them. Lieutenants don't seem to be as respected by the men due to their lack of experience in the field.

So I picked Captain.


Maybe this will turn into a nickname explanation thread. [/B][/QUOTE]

"Generals! Generals can do *anything*! There's nothing so much like God on Earth as a General on the Battlefield."
- COL Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, 20th Maine Infantry (Commanding), on or around 2 July, 1863

tracer -> (3/15/2002 12:54:50 AM)

I wouldn't worry about it Les; any dissention I've seen around here has always been limited to SPWAW issues, never personal. This is a model forum with a great community.

Tracer? Nothing to do with munitions really. I was signing up for the original SPWAW forum in 4/00 and needed a nick; looked down on the desk and saw a pack of tracing paper my wife left from her graphics work. :rolleyes:

ubertechie -> (3/15/2002 1:36:28 AM)

LES - couldnt agree more - I am very similar in my methods - to the point - take it or leave it - i try not to offend but sometimes those eggs need to be broken if we wnat to eat cake.

Ubertechie was a name given to me many years ago - I was (and have been almost ever since) the most senior Technical person in the companies i work for - I friend of mine rang up and asked to speak to the Uber - techie ( i have no idea why) and it stuck - It has been my online and occasionally offline name ever since. But hey i dont care what you call me Uber, U, Bryan, B as long as i know you are talking to me i dont care.



hingram -> (3/15/2002 2:15:15 AM)

[I]Please people dont read between the lines with my comments. [/I]

Just what exactly do you mean by this?

Hussar -> Hooray! (3/15/2002 2:40:29 AM)

There probably isn't a way that anyone could get through my thick skin (even with a bayonet!).
I was a Hussar when I enlisted and I still am one at heart. I give a hearty "Hussar" to anyone who contributes their time and efforts to improve this already fine enterprise.
Honi soit qui mal y pense.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (3/15/2002 2:52:39 AM)

Man I am impressed with the comments thus far.

You guys have all been superior.


But everyone knows that the army is only as good as its sargeants.

They do all the work, get none of the glory, the pay sucks, and if the **** hits the fan (and they run out of targets err I meant to say officers), then they promote you and make all your buddies unwelcome at the mess hall.

I am told I am related to Patton eh. I must be him in his current life heheh.

"Through the trevail of ages amidst the pomp and toils of war, have I fought and strove and perished, countless times among the stars, and as if through a glass and darkly, the age old strife I see, where I fought in many guises and many names, but always me."

Hey it could be true, I can't explain how I can smell out battlefields eh.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (3/15/2002 2:56:24 AM)

By the way I wrote this....

"Through the trevail of ages amidst the pomp and toils of war, have I fought and strove and perished, countless times among the stars, and as if through a glass and darkly, the age old strife I see, where I fought in many guises and many names, but always me."

...... so don't go correcting me on my quote heheh:rolleyes:

Hussar -> SNCOs unite. (3/15/2002 2:56:52 AM)

I thought that I could not be offended but this nearly did it! Sergeant only has one "A", (at least in the British Army that is!)
He he he...caught out Les at last!


Belisarius -> (3/15/2002 3:03:06 AM)

Nicknames? Well I picked mine mainly because of

1) a tribute to my namesake

2) have an example to follow

My skills are nowhere near the true Belisarius, but I'm getting closer everytime I start up SP:WAW, eh? :rolleyes:

note: if you don't know who I'm talking about, look it up at e.g. encyclopedia.com ....

Don Doom -> (3/15/2002 3:11:50 AM)

nicknames, hmm
well mine is my name.:D

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (3/15/2002 3:37:24 AM)

Well yes I realise the correct spelling is sergeant.

But living next to the US does tend to louse up ones correct English heheh:)

The US a nation that gave us the word "ain't". Just what is "ain't" a contraction of anyway?

troopie -> (3/15/2002 5:00:37 AM)

Troopie is South African and Rhodesian slang for a national serviceman. I am proud of having done my service and use it for a nickname. It also means there is nothing special about me, I am just a troopie.


Jack -> (3/15/2002 5:01:21 AM)

My login and real first name are the same. Well actually my real first name is Jacques but a lot of people mis pronounce it or misspell it.
There in one story I wouldn't mind hearing and that is the fella who goes by the handle Supply sgt or something like that.

Grenadier -> (3/15/2002 5:51:56 AM)

When I was asked to join the raiders I was simply Brent. The Kunel and Figmo said I need a handle to be a raider, so...
Kunel was already taken:D
The other one I wanted was also taken by someone who is now with SP Camo-:mad:
The Kunel felt that beacuse I was so focused on the germans side and the eastern Front, it should be a German name-a first for the Americanized Raiders- even Petti Pentula had an American nicname-Ambush
I was starting at the botton and the opposite of Oberst was...Grenadier

but now they all call me the Feldmarshal on the Lost Victorries team:)

Supervisor -> (3/15/2002 6:02:45 AM)

Mine is because I've been a NY Giants football fan forever. They're know as the Gmen.

Alby -> (3/15/2002 6:05:30 AM)

Dont sweat it Dude, we've all had our bad days, with less than polite posts Im sure. the matrix staff included.
Take the first three letters of my last name "ALB" add a "Y".
hence My nickname, pretty simple huh? LIKE ME!!!!!!!!! :)

Cirrus -> nicks (3/15/2002 6:05:48 AM)

Long time ago I needed a nick to play a game (can't even remember what is was). I saw a Cirrus Logic graphics adapter box on my table and there it was. :)

chief -> (3/15/2002 7:27:17 AM)

Well my nick (Chief) came natural....its what I was called for quite a while in Uncle Sams War Canoe Club...since they gave it to me for life (a former lifer) I just kept it. Besides the pay is good. For some of you who want some nicks for GI's try "wrap leg", "Dough boy", why you might even use Beetle Baily or Otto......:D :D :D Please don't flame me for the last bit, its meant in fun. In reply to the gentleman who said us yanks gave you the word 'ain't', didn't you give us the expression/word 'eh' ......eh ?

:D :D

Rick Borovec -> (3/15/2002 8:06:14 AM)

I always thought it would be fun to use the nickname "Private Parts" or "Major Pain" but in the end the first four letters of my last name will have to do. Another good one would be "General Nuisance". Feel free to use these anyone.

Bing -> (3/15/2002 8:23:51 AM)

Well, there is always "Colonel of the Urinal" but I doubt anyone would want that as a nick. Whatever happened to "grunt" and "ground pounder" as terms for an infantryman?

The term I never see anymore and haven't for many years is "dogface" which I think comes from the American Indian - isn't it Bill Mauldin's "Up Front" where the term is used, often shortened merely to "doggie"?

(I grew uip with that book and loved it - especially the cartoon where the old cavalry Sgt. has run a Jeep into the ditch, broken the axle and is about to shoot it in the hood with his .45 - his eyes covered, natch.)

Heck, I just learned today what nOOb means.


tracer -> (3/15/2002 9:34:40 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bing
Heck, I just learned today what nOOb means.

Bing [/B][/QUOTE]

Uh oh...somebody saw Bing in half and count the rings :D

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (3/15/2002 11:55:28 AM)

I have a wonderful hardcover copy of Bill Maudlins book Up Front as well as a copy of the movie by the same name of his book.

Damn shame that the average civilian won't understand the jokes, but the beauty is that it makes sense to a soldier regardless of nation or time period.

Anyone that hasnt read the book, hey why not dang it! Its required reading.

Possum -> (3/15/2002 12:24:09 PM)

Many years ago...
In a place far away...
I was a stores manager in a large mining equipment
workshop. One day one of the fitters called me Possum, and it stuck.
The reason?
I'm Shy, and harmless looking, untill someone entered my store without permission, whereapon I'd (figeratively) bite them. (Just like any small furry animal would do if cornered in it's burrow.)
I'm also very curious and and have a warped/cheeky sense of humor.... Just like an Australian Ring tailed Possum....
I've been known to many people in real life, as Possum now for about 18 years.
So when it came time to select a handle, Possum it was.

Bing -> (3/15/2002 12:28:42 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by tracer

Uh oh...somebody saw Bing in half and count the rings :D [/B][/QUOTE]

Aw come on Tracer, I'm not that old and not that out of it. The kids make up their own language and expect us to instantly understand their jargon. When our beautiful language becomes mangled in this fashion, it is difficult for me to cope with same.

Sort of like ... do you know the difference between horse manure and lemons?


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