zook08 -> Scenario file unpacking (3/20/2008 1:21:53 AM)
The download page says: "If this is a zip file then unzip this file directly in the directory where your AdvancedTactics.exe file is located. If this is a .pt2 file then save it in the scenarios directory." I had some trouble installing a scenario until I realized that what I did was to just copy the zipfile into the /bin folder, then right-click it and select "Extract to folder (filename)". Instead I have to open it and extract everything into the /bin folder, so that graphics goes into /graphics, sound into /sound etc. That's because the file "blah.zip" contains "blah/graphics/", "blah/sound/" and so on. Wouldn't it be easier to pack scenario files without the extra "blah/" so that I can just unzip everyting directly and with one click? Or better yet, put all "blah" files in one "scenarios/blah/" subfolder?