SlickWilhelm -> RE: Some questions (4/4/2008 5:46:14 PM)
I played Warbirds from 1996-2000, back in it's heyday. Yep, even paid $2/hr and I remember we all thought they were nuts to go to the $29.95/month flat fee, which eventually went even lower. At this time, Dawn of Aces came out, and had huge potential. It would have, IMO, been the ultimate WWI online sim. Alas, soon after DOA(what an unfortunate acronym for that sim!) was released, the fine folks at ICI(as it was then known) split into two factions, HiTech Creations & Cornered Rat Software. HiTech and Pyro left to create Aces High, and the other competing team became CRS and created WW2OL, which is now known as Battleground Europe. I eventually left WB and spent 2000-2004 in AH, and joined WW2OL on opening day in 2001(I think) and stayed until 2007. And yet, nothing will ever replace the fun and excitement created by Warbirds when it was first released. The simple feature of being able to fight with and chat with other real people online in a flight sim was so new and astounding, even without voice chat. Sheesh, I'm getting old. [:D] Long live Warbirds 1.11r2! -baxl-