RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (Full Version)

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Valkyrie -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/23/2008 7:13:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: marcusm

If you want a serious Train sim then I would recommend TRS2004(cheaper than 2006 and better imo).
Tons of stuff for it too.

I agree with your preference for Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004 over TRS2006. In fact, I recently uninstaled 2006 and went back to 2004 because my favorite routes weren't being supported for 2006. The older version also ran better as it isn't as loaded with animations.

However, when comparing the straight sim to something like Railroad Tycoon, I would voice my opinion that TRS 2006 is far more comparable. TRS 2006 added a lot of capabilities for servicing interconnected businesses i.e. deliver coal to a PowerPlant that needs to keep running to support the furniture factory that needs supply inputs and pickup for finished products etc etc. You could think of this as Railroad Tycoon where you actually sit in the locomotive and throw the switches in a very immediate mode. The 2006 version also features rather complex scenarios and a high level of automoation and programmability to make the experience more realistic.

Now, I'm not a rail buff, I just love to run old steam locomotives over scenic routes through the mountains. Yea, very shallow interest... I'm in it for the scenery and fun of "riding" trains.. and really don't want to perform realistic switching operations and train routing or signal programming (which is why I took 2006 off my PC and went back to simpler times). However, the whole series is fantastic and is well worth checking out. It is an amazing graphics accomplishment and you would all probably enjoy it a lot at whatever level of challenge you desire.

nelmsm1 -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/23/2008 9:24:06 AM)

Nice going guys!  You had to start this thread which made me dig my RRT2 out of the closet and load it and now I've just spent the last 2 hours laying track and building trains and here it is 1am and I've got to get up and fix breakfast for everyone.  Just what I needed was another game to get immersed in.  I'd forgotten how easily it was to get engrossed in connecting cities and moving freight.

marcusm -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/23/2008 11:21:13 AM)

I didn't know that Valkyrie.

It seems the bankruptcy of Auran didn't affect the actual Trains game so there will be more.

Phatguy -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/23/2008 11:56:34 AM)


Please dust of your spectacles and reread my post..You misunderstood what I wrote.i never said all games under 5 suck like you assume I said.I said that most games under 5 bucks are iffy. Iffy does not infer to its suckage.It means just that, "iffy". Could be good could be bad but as a general rule they tend to slide towards bad. I bought some wonderful games for 5 or less, but on that same note I could outfit a whole restaurant chain with nice shiny coasters for thier glasses and cups....

Best 5 dollars ever spent: Uncommon Valor and EHM2005.Brand new.Bought both for 5 each in EB in Austin, TX  about 2 years ago.

Vyshka -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/23/2008 12:47:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: nelmsm

Nice going guys! You had to start this thread which made me dig my RRT2 out of the closet and load it and now I've just spent the last 2 hours laying track and building trains and here it is 1am and I've got to get up and fix breakfast for everyone. Just what I needed was another game to get immersed in. I'd forgotten how easily it was to get engrossed in connecting cities and moving freight.

Good thing you don't have Master of Orion or X-COM in that pile of games. You would never get any sleep. :)

Grell -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/23/2008 2:05:12 PM)

Hi Valkyrie,

I adored Trainz, it was really a great game, I didn't know they made a second version.



ravinhood -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/23/2008 2:28:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: apathetic lurker


Please dust of your spectacles and reread my post..You misunderstood what I wrote.i never said all games under 5 suck like you assume I said.I said that most games under 5 bucks are iffy. Iffy does not infer to its suckage.It means just that, "iffy". Could be good could be bad but as a general rule they tend to slide towards bad. I bought some wonderful games for 5 or less, but on that same note I could outfit a whole restaurant chain with nice shiny coasters for thier glasses and cups....

Best 5 dollars ever spent: Uncommon Valor and EHM2005.Brand new.Bought both for 5 each in EB in Austin, TX  about 2 years ago.

You also asked me "What Do You Expect" for under $3.00? and I told you. ;) And then you even went futher to "TRY to TELL" me what to do...."stop complaining so much". I'll complain as much as I want you ain't my mother boy. ;) So, I'll tell you "Stop Trying to TELL OTHERS what to do when it concerns complaining". ;) This is a complaint thread...what did YOU expect? lol ;)

Krasny -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/23/2008 3:01:33 PM)

I paid £5 for it, and I feel cheated.

When is someone going to bring out a decent version of the original RRT?

Ok, it had flaws, but it had balls.

The mission based gameplay of the two sequels was what really let them down, not any flaws in the AI. Build a railroad, achieve goals, start over. Interesting but not satisfying.

And as for Sid's Abomination: Sid should hang his head in shame, but he's laughing all the way to the bank.

Phatguy -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/23/2008 5:52:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood


ORIGINAL: apathetic lurker


Please dust of your spectacles and reread my post..You misunderstood what I wrote.i never said all games under 5 suck like you assume I said.I said that most games under 5 bucks are iffy. Iffy does not infer to its suckage.It means just that, "iffy". Could be good could be bad but as a general rule they tend to slide towards bad. I bought some wonderful games for 5 or less, but on that same note I could outfit a whole restaurant chain with nice shiny coasters for thier glasses and cups....

Best 5 dollars ever spent: Uncommon Valor and EHM2005.Brand new.Bought both for 5 each in EB in Austin, TX about 2 years ago.

You also asked me "What Do You Expect" for under $3.00? and I told you. ;) And then you even went futher to "TRY to TELL" me what to do...."stop complaining so much". I'll complain as much as I want you ain't my mother boy. ;) So, I'll tell you "Stop Trying to TELL OTHERS what to do when it concerns complaining". ;) This is a complaint thread...what did YOU expect? lol ;)

Good thing I ain't your mother, or i'd wash your mouth out with soap boy [;)]!
You do compain alot though. Well what do you expect for a three dollar product?The second coming of Railroad Tycoon?If a product drops in price so far so fast chances are it isn't great. Most good to great games keep their price points for a while and when they do drop it goes in smaller increments. I believe SMRRT dropped something like 60 or so percent within 6 months. Why would that be? I surmise that it wasn't so Ravinhood could get his game freak on cheaply...

I haven't been called boy since the 70's. Thanks formaking me feel young again[:)]

Valkyrie -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/23/2008 9:05:26 PM)



Hi Valkyrie,

I adored Trainz, it was really a great game, I didn't know they made a second version.



Actually, there are about five different versions available. They started fairly simply and kept adding stuff on until it started getting too complex to run well. Trainz 2006 had a lot of detractors. Their latest is something called "Trainz Classics" I believe which was a bit of a step backwards in complexity.

Someone said Auran was in bankruptcy.. I hadn't heard that, but just checked out their forums and it seems that "Auran Development" (that was producing a ton of non-TRAINZ titles) went under but the core TRAINZ group remains in operation (though with a smaller staff) and development on their next product continues. It looks like they tried to do this massive expansion beyond Train simulation and that is what blew up on them.

Anyway, they have a collection pack that includes the orginal TRAINZ, Ultimate TRAINZ, TRAINZ 2004 and TRAINZ 2006 in one affordable package.

ravinhood -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/23/2008 10:45:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: apathetic lurker


ORIGINAL: ravinhood


ORIGINAL: apathetic lurker


Please dust of your spectacles and reread my post..You misunderstood what I wrote.i never said all games under 5 suck like you assume I said.I said that most games under 5 bucks are iffy. Iffy does not infer to its suckage.It means just that, "iffy". Could be good could be bad but as a general rule they tend to slide towards bad. I bought some wonderful games for 5 or less, but on that same note I could outfit a whole restaurant chain with nice shiny coasters for thier glasses and cups....

Best 5 dollars ever spent: Uncommon Valor and EHM2005.Brand new.Bought both for 5 each in EB in Austin, TX about 2 years ago.

You also asked me "What Do You Expect" for under $3.00? and I told you. ;) And then you even went futher to "TRY to TELL" me what to do...."stop complaining so much". I'll complain as much as I want you ain't my mother boy. ;) So, I'll tell you "Stop Trying to TELL OTHERS what to do when it concerns complaining". ;) This is a complaint thread...what did YOU expect? lol ;)

Good thing I ain't your mother, or i'd wash your mouth out with soap boy [;)]!
You do compain alot though. Well what do you expect for a three dollar product?The second coming of Railroad Tycoon?If a product drops in price so far so fast chances are it isn't great. Most good to great games keep their price points for a while and when they do drop it goes in smaller increments. I believe SMRRT dropped something like 60 or so percent within 6 months. Why would that be? I surmise that it wasn't so Ravinhood could get his game freak on cheaply...

I haven't been called boy since the 70's. Thanks formaking me feel young again[:)]

Oh did I call you boy? Oh I'm sorry freudian slip of the fingers. [:D] And in rebuttal you're WRONG again. (I love being right) ;) As I recall "Victoria" by Paradox went to .99 cents the very first MONTH after it was released and if you try to tell a Paradox/Victoria fanboi that is sucks they will tear your lungs out hahaha boy! hahahahaha[:D] :) Incremental reductions in price don't always happen sometimes games just drop to nothing because of "sales". In Sids case and SMR I believe it was more about sorry game than sales. I don't know how many he sold of this crap, but, it did better than VICTORIA that's for sure before it dropped in price and still isn't the price that Victoria was after ONE MONTH of release time. lol

Ron -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 1:15:24 AM)

Ravinhood, you really are an old, cantankerous sob aren't you!? You still not smoking?

Vyshka -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 1:49:23 AM)

I think if you set aside the expectations that SMR is a follow-on to the RT games then it isn't a horrible game. The problem is that they marketed or allowed everyone to believe it was going to be another RT game.

Phatguy -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 2:14:33 AM)

Well, I don't recall Vicky being .99 cents after one month. I was generalizing about good/bad games in general.There are going to be odd ones that throw the curve out of sync... Since it is Easter and my wife told me to be a good little Christian I will ease up on an old carmudgeon like you. We have to be nice to our elders, right?

And my rebuttal was right.

Didn't it strike you as strange why a Sid game dropped like a stone in price? In this day and age of full on access to the internet blogs/reviews/demos there is no excuse not to be well informed about a product you happen to be interested in.

Right now i'm interested in Simcities Societies. I heard it sucks. Read the blogs,reviews,forums etc etc. But I do like Tilted Mill products. When the price drops to around 5-10 bucks i'll get it. If it sucks/does not work I will not be whining sine I did have an opportunity to find out about said product before hand. I will not have an excuse.

ravinhood -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 3:13:00 AM)

Most games are like a bouncing ball. Some good games get bad reviews and if I had paid attention to the reviews I would have never known the quality of games like "SACRIFICE" and "STARFLEET COMMAND", you just can't say a review or other gamers tell all. They don't know what YOU/ME like or don't like. Like the Total War series after MTW. The reviews give them 90's and high 80's and I give them 60's or don't even qualify. lol Many of you like HTTR/COTA, but, I wouldn't give you a jack penny for either one of them, even though I do own HTTR it all boils down to what YOU/ME likes always. But, anyways "complaining" is just part of the process on any game I don't care how much it costs. A $3.00 crappy game is just as bad as a $40 crappy game afterall they are both crappy and I don't think we can place non-complaining on something just because it costs $3.00 and that's what started this lil titatat between you and me. If you don't want to complain fine don't complain, but, don't turn around and complain about my complaining cause that just makes you eqaully as bad complaining about complainers lol. There will always be complainers for as long as mankind exists and there of course will always be those that don't want complainers to complain. lol It's a never ending cycle don'tchaknow? ;) And yes you should OBEY your wife. ;) hehe

@Ron now there ya go calling me names and derogatories....geesh and yes I've been off the cigarettes for over a year now goin on 2. ;) It's easy once you get past the hard part of the craving. It's funny now cause I can smell smoke of peoples clothing that do smoke and it smells awful. lol I took that $1200 a year I was spending on cigs and bought steaks. ;) Mmmmmm gained a few pounds lol, but, love them Rib Eyes and T-Bone steaks I make. ;)

Phatguy -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 4:27:46 AM)

I quit a few months ago and just went over to the dark side a few days ago. Couldn't handle the good food craving....Stayed away from the food over Easter though....Back to the chantix..

You are correct that you cant just go on reviews. But there are so many reviews (ftrom different sources)etc out there that you can get a general idea.It helps if you are on a forum like this one where you can ask what ppl here think knowimg that the interests can overlap. While I may strongly disagree with some of what you write, I think I could use
your "review" (if you wrote one) of product X if I knew you had an interest in that genre. If the consensus here was that wargame X was a steaming pile of ..... I would tend to avoid that product. If it was 50/50 i would weigh what those who have more of the exact same interests as me as worth more. It has worked so far. I havent hit crap unless the subject interested me and I went against general consensus.

I own Railroads! knowing it was crap....It was 3.56 (1.70 or so)at Circuit City. I went up and they had a sale.All games under 20 were 50 % off. It ain't horrible as a non-Sid game but a bid steaming pile of ...... as a Sid game.I put in about 4 hours so I got my moneys worth.

Gem35 -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 5:35:08 AM)

Stop picking on ravinhood, the poor slob deserves some respect, right?[;)]

Zap -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 7:20:14 AM)

One gets as much respect as he gives.

PunkReaper -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 1:55:20 PM)

Hey stop picking on Railroads! I picked it up for the price of a DVD film hire and it entertained me for about as long! Its pretty and has nice steam trains.......can't think of anything else to say in its defence.

Phatguy -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 2:33:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Punk Reaper

Hey stop picking on Railroads! I picked it up for the price of a DVD film hire and it entertained me for about as long! Its pretty and has nice steam trains.......can't think of anything else to say in its defence.

thats actually a nice review.

ravinhood -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 2:51:42 PM)

Yah but you have to consider the source Punk likes RTW and M2TW haha

Phatguy -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 3:31:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood

Yah but you have to consider the source Punk likes RTW and M2TW haha I enjoy them for what they are.

PunkReaper -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 4:16:20 PM)


Yah but you have to consider the source Punk likes RTW and M2TW haha

I do? [&:]

ASHBERY76 -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 4:48:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood

Yah but you have to consider the source Punk likes RTW and M2TW haha

Great games.

ravinhood -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 10:40:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Punk Reaper


Yah but you have to consider the source Punk likes RTW and M2TW haha

I do? [&:]

You don't?[&:]

marcusm -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/24/2008 10:46:43 PM)

Interesting how the User Score is higher thean the Review Score.
Makes you wonder what "majority" Ravinhood is speaking for. Note also how almost
every user review giving the game glowing reviews.
Same with expansion.

In other words. Total War Empires will rock :).

PunkReaper -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/25/2008 12:11:29 AM)


You don't?

Well actually I do really, but then again sometimes I dont. In truth most of my battles just become a free for all wth me clicking like mad. But mostly the battles which are the prettiest bit are often useless because if you have any sense you only really engage the enemy when the odds are stacked in your favour. So then it just becomes managing cities (boring) and smacking smaller armies....rarely I'm not really sure how much actual enjoyment I get out of both those games.

marcusm -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/25/2008 12:21:58 AM)

I would recommend the Stainless Steel mod in that case. Makes for more
interesting battles. Deus Vult is supposed to be good as well.

Grell -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/25/2008 12:22:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: Valkyrie



Hi Valkyrie,

I adored Trainz, it was really a great game, I didn't know they made a second version.



Actually, there are about five different versions available. They started fairly simply and kept adding stuff on until it started getting too complex to run well. Trainz 2006 had a lot of detractors. Their latest is something called "Trainz Classics" I believe which was a bit of a step backwards in complexity.

Someone said Auran was in bankruptcy.. I hadn't heard that, but just checked out their forums and it seems that "Auran Development" (that was producing a ton of non-TRAINZ titles) went under but the core TRAINZ group remains in operation (though with a smaller staff) and development on their next product continues. It looks like they tried to do this massive expansion beyond Train simulation and that is what blew up on them.

Anyway, they have a collection pack that includes the orginal TRAINZ, Ultimate TRAINZ, TRAINZ 2004 and TRAINZ 2006 in one affordable package.

Hi Valkyrie,

Five versions holy moses is that alot. I never saw them in stores ever. I wish that I could find that classic collection you mentioned but i doubt it.



PunkReaper -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/25/2008 12:34:03 AM)

What is the difference between Trainz and Railroad Tycoon? Are there similar game mechanics with competitors and an economy or is Trainz just a simulator i.e like building your own trainset?

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