Grell -> RE: Wow Sid Meiers Railroads SUCKS! ;) (3/25/2008 12:22:32 AM)
ORIGINAL: Valkyrie quote:
ORIGINAL: Grell Hi Valkyrie, I adored Trainz, it was really a great game, I didn't know they made a second version. Regards, Grell Actually, there are about five different versions available. They started fairly simply and kept adding stuff on until it started getting too complex to run well. Trainz 2006 had a lot of detractors. Their latest is something called "Trainz Classics" I believe which was a bit of a step backwards in complexity. Someone said Auran was in bankruptcy.. I hadn't heard that, but just checked out their forums and it seems that "Auran Development" (that was producing a ton of non-TRAINZ titles) went under but the core TRAINZ group remains in operation (though with a smaller staff) and development on their next product continues. It looks like they tried to do this massive expansion beyond Train simulation and that is what blew up on them. Anyway, they have a collection pack that includes the orginal TRAINZ, Ultimate TRAINZ, TRAINZ 2004 and TRAINZ 2006 in one affordable package. Hi Valkyrie, Five versions holy moses is that alot. I never saw them in stores ever. I wish that I could find that classic collection you mentioned but i doubt it. Regards, Grell