SP3 Moderna (Full Version)

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Anthony_MatrixForum -> SP3 Moderna (3/15/2002 6:48:26 AM)

Hi all,

Raising an old question - does anyone have Iija's Moderna addon for SP3, i have been looking all over the net - no one seems to have it.

Using the (reinstated) search feature on the forums revealed lots of chat about putting the files on a server somewhere - yet I haven't seen anything.

If anyone has the files, and is willing to send them,
I can be emailed at [email]dch349223233@geckomail.org[/email]
( files < 2mb each please)

Also, I can offer a website on a (limited) basis if the files are
less than 9.5 Mb _and_ no-one objects to the files being made


Warhorse -> (3/15/2002 8:28:36 AM)

I have 'em!! they may be somewhat modified, but don't remember what now, the executeble is newer than I thought, so must have added a icon or something, and used Spilc. Luckily I had saved them to a zip disk last year, when preparing to buy a new machine!! I have broken the files down into six zips, all of them over 1.5 mb! The problem is whether Ilja would like these distributed or not, I don't know where to get in touch with him. Let me know, but think the files are way over 9mb too, sorry!

sami heimola -> (3/15/2002 4:04:16 PM)

Well, Warhorse, I remember as you asked me about Ilja last year. I emailed to him and let him know but I don't know if he ever responsed to you:rolleyes:... I'm not heard anything form him lately (perhaps he started his army duty this year?). I wonder why he stopped his website for Moderna:confused:...

Warhorse -> (3/15/2002 9:22:22 PM)

Hi Sami, never heard from him, it could be he went for his service duty, seems he dropped off the planet?!! Would hate to release his material w/o consent.....

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