Kawama -> Comment, and question about the game (4/4/2002 10:34:25 PM)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Kid [B]"...if you want some good solid information on this subject, I recommend reading "The Rape of Nankng" by Iris Chang. It is a real eye opener..."[/B][/QUOTE] Forgive me, but I find this lamentable, but certainly for reasons that differ from Kid's incorrect impression. Iris Chang's book indeed is an eye opener precisely because it suffers from many unforgivable flaws. Among the most damaging problems are its innumerable factual errors, and a very noticeable bias toward the sensational. She told me to my face that when it came to evaluating source material, she had no consistent criteria and subscribed to no formal methodology at all; even more, she didn't see why this was a problem. Simply picking and choosing from among the most grotesque, outrageous tales available is hardlly the hallmark of reputable, scholarly research. As a history, the book is subpar at best and, no offense, only meant to be read by people who have absolutely no background on the subject -- people who predictably parrot its "message" and only further muddy what is a very complex case of wartime atrocity. It's no exaggeration to say Chang's book is as bad as Masaaki Tanaka's latest book, "What Really Happened at Nanking". Indeed, they're basically the mirror images of each other, diametrically opposed and equally silly. As others have said above, the truth is somewhere in the middle. In this case, deniers and massive death toll proponents alike are equally incorrect. -=- Now, as far as UV goes, I am curious about the [B]soundtrack[/B] -- will it exist at all, and if so, will be be made up of WAV files, MP3 files, or something else? If it is WAVs or MP3s, will it be customizable? Does anyone here, beta testers or development, know the answer to this? If it is customizable, I've got a nice collection of very rare American and Japanese period propaganda/war songs that would make a fitting "unofficial soundtrack patch" if it were possible to apply such a thing. -k