Khan7 -> C&C/Computer Control Issue (3/17/2002 5:44:05 AM)
OK, recently I decided to try out the C&C option in the game, and play with the majority of my units (excepting recon and artillery) on computer control. I loved it. For playing the old way is a TRUE clickfest, but just being able to set objectives and waypoints and let 'er rip was refreshing and realistic. However, I soon came to notice that my units weren't really taking orders from me. In one battle I actually had a British light tank, traveling through heavy woods, get spotted by an AT rifle section passing by 800 or so meters off my right flank. So evidently this AT rifle unit subverted the chain of command and notified two of my three rifle platoon leaders, who promptly cancelled their previous movement waypoints and started going at breakneck speed in the OPPOSITE direction, presumably to help defend my rear objectives. However my rear objectives were already defended by two well-emplaced 37mm PaKs and easily reinforced by ample armored reserves. And the worst thing was, no matter how many times I reset the waypoints for my riflemen, they continued to ignore them. RRg. Also in this battle, and in all other battles, I noticed that when there are no movement waypoints, regardless of objective hex or stance, your units will simply make at breakneck speed for the untaken enemy objective of their choosing, regardless of the implications. Setting the objective hex to the rear of the position you wish them to hold and giving them movement waypoints back there will cause them to move back, then immediately resume their cockamemey movements. Switching their stance to defend does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Not only does this make it practically impossible to get my units to simply STAY FRIEKING PUT for any number of tactical reasons, it severely complicates any efforts at swinging around the enemy's flank. You give your tanks orders to proceed to the flank of the enemy line, and they will go there, fire a few shots, and speed off towards the rearmost objectives, leaving your infantry and their BONEHEAD "close the range so we can have our own artillery fall on our heads heeheehee" tactics to swim on their own. Anyway, the obvious solution would simply be to have computer-controlled formations stay the hell put unless they have explicit orders to move. I wouldn't mind some movement *around* an objective, to get a better position etc., but the formation as a whole should stay basically put, (unless of course forced to retreat etc. etc.). If this could be done, computer control of units would become feasible, making the game much more playable and enjoyable. I would think that this is at least something to think about for CL and CA, though if it could be implimented in a forthcoming patch for the current game, I would hold it as a crowning achievement. Thanx for a great game, and a great C&C *concept*, Matt