Grognot -> One ugly ~NATO APP-6A mod... (4/4/2008 10:29:02 AM)
Decided to make a pseudo-NATO APP-6A counter set as an anachronistic joke. Replaces counters for leaders, depots, corps, cossacks, freikorps, fleets, and garrisons -- the last of which gets extra-small counters. Garrison counter isn't really APP-6A -- experimented with a corps counter + installation modifier, but decided that the space was wasted and that it'd be better to make really distinct garrison counters that weren't mistakable for corps counters. FOW is preserved with respect to Gds corps. Regimental-level markers are used for certain irregular forces like Cossacks and guerrillas which already got distinctive counters in the default set. See attachment for .bmp zip. (Edit -- upload version with correct spnguerilla.bmp name) The current sole distinction between national sets (other than a few differences in counter availability, like GB being the only one with a naval leader and the minor/indy set having very few) is the background color. Generated the sets using a single set of original counters, some Perl and shell scripts, and ImageMagick for painting them with national colors. Did this more for a 'why not' than as anything practical. Sample screen in next post.