floydg -> RE: Device History (10/16/2008 11:08:09 PM)
ORIGINAL: Ambassador Thanks. Actually, I was just wondering yesterday evening how you managed to put the alert for the arrival of LCUs at their destination, as once they arrive, their "destination field" in the LCU box is wiped. Do you compare the previous turn's status (movement & destination) with current turn's both location & status (moving/not moving) ? Just curious... I compare the destination of the previous turn with the location in the current turn (and that it wasn't there before). quote:
By the way, the tracking of the pilots' values is very great[&o], but there's a small glitch[:o]. When looking their individual history, it shows their "values" (lowish XP, no mission/kill/fatigue) even before they existed. Somehow, it fails to reckon they didn't exist before a certain date. I'll have to ask Damian to look at this. There are is a special routine I use to trim off turns before the object existed (you'll see that in Air Groups, for example). quote:
I also face some problems with the comments columns. When filling them, I need to change the panel before coming back, otherwise I can't validate the entry, or simply exiting the line with Esc results in erasing my notes. Using Vista btw, so this could be a Vista problem and not a WitPTracker one... I use Vista and have no trouble. When you finish typing, hit "Enter". quote:
And since I'm at it, here's my next batch of miscellaneous ideas (I use Tracker extensively, so they often pop in my mind) : - Airgroups : in their history box, a column keeping track of their primary mission (and secondary, target, CAP/patrol, etc, but this is less important) would be helpful for AAR-writers. - Task Forces : a way to track the movements of the TFs would be useful. A button to earmark a given TF to get an alert when it arrives on destination would help convoy duty, especially when there're many small convoys involved who need to set "manual waypoints" deep in blue waters. Tracking all the TFs would be too much IMHO (too many are in action and arrive at their destination each turn) - LCUs : actually, I got this one while not using Tracker but in-game. Columns counting the number of guns/flak/engineers/vehicles/support and a sixth for infantry squads (as you already said you could not get the assault value displayed in game, IIRC) would be useful for planning operations too. As always, use what fits you.[:)] I'll see which of these I can (and want to [;)]) do... Some of the last item can be seen in LCU history and LCU Formation history.