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Greg McCarty -> (3/24/2002 10:47:57 PM)

:D Ruxius:

The concept of "taking out the garbage" is just an old phrase
which supposedly illustrates the classic example of the
dissagreeable wife; constantly interrupting the husband in angry
fashon to force hin to perform an endless series of meanial tasks
--such as "disposing of the garbage."

Bing -> (3/24/2002 11:10:28 PM)

Let's put it this way: The only husband I ever knew who did NOT take out the garbage was a reckless alcoholic - he was never home, ipso facto was not available for garbage detail.


gn08979 -> Well not wargames but baseball (3/24/2002 11:17:22 PM)

I've done many hardcore wargame things...I think my long suffereing wife will be better able to answer this one. Last week, however, I was stuck in the car and the EXHIBITION baseball game wasn't on the radio because of the NCAA tournment. So I found the spanish station (I don't speak Spanish) and listened until I could figure out the score.

This kind of behaviour could be condoned during a tight pennent race....but spring training?

parusski -> (3/24/2002 11:30:05 PM)

Greg McCarty aren't all wives experts at assinging menial tasks to their husbands in order to annoy them. I love my wife, but she seems to LOVE giving me the most sensless tasks to distract me from more important things ie; SPWAW.

Bing -> Re: Well not wargames but baseball (3/24/2002 11:48:36 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by gn08979
[B]I've done many hardcore wargame things...I think my long suffereing wife will be better able to answer this one. Last week, however, I was stuck in the car and the EXHIBITION baseball game wasn't on the radio because of the NCAA tournment. So I found the spanish station (I don't speak Spanish) and listened until I could figure out the score.

This kind of behaviour could be condoned during a tight pennent race....but spring training? [/B][/QUOTE]

You are lucky if you are not a Detroit Tigers fan - frankly no one CARES what they do in spring training. When I lived in Chicago you were a Cubs or Sox fan, either way spring training was something you looked forward to.

I think the Tigers ought to open the new ballpark during the season for the concession stands and gift boutiques. Forget about playing baseball - they don't know how.


Bernie -> (3/25/2002 4:34:19 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by ruxius
[B]I am not able to translate properly the meaning of

"hey nobody tells me ...etc. ....garbage.."

Anyway I can say I firmly believe world HAS a SPWAW girl ready for each one of us.. :D !
Never stop looking for ...Bing !!!!!
:D [/B][/QUOTE]

Now [B][I]THERE[/I][/B] is a very, very scary thought! I've been divorced three times and the idea of possibly ending up in divorce court against a woman who understood strategy, small unit tatics, diversions, flanking attacks, ambushes, and commando raids gives my bank account goosebumps!

Bing -> (3/25/2002 4:43:23 AM)

I face the same problem as George Burns. After Gracie died and a suitable period of time had passed, George was asked if he was dating - George at the time was in his 80's. He said no, he couldn't find any girls his age.

Am not in the 80's, with luck someday I will be, but the problem is identical. They are already married, or have decided men are not for them, or they are just .... plain .... nuts. I mean serious nuts.


parusski -> (3/25/2002 5:03:45 AM)

Bing, I do not think nuts is adequate to describe most women(even my wife, whom I love). If I were ever to get divorced I am not sure I would want to re-marry. If I did one requirement would be a female who is a loner at heart. That way she would let me play SPWAW(and yes CIV III) all I want. But I do not believe such a woman exists.

chief -> (3/25/2002 9:11:12 AM)

Parusski: Ah, but my friend SHE does exist, but alas I married her 48 years ago. If you don't believe me ask my IP they warned me I was on the net to much and had to increase my rates. Bless them all (women who tolerate computer gamers).:D ;) :D :cool:

parusski -> (3/25/2002 10:03:56 AM)

Chief you are correct. I have a good one too. She has put up with my computer gaming for 11 years and the board gaming for 7 years before and since. Thanks for reminding me.

badinfo -> New to these forums, but old gamer... (3/25/2002 2:12:41 PM)

Played War in Europe (SPI) to a finish 4 times, played Campaign for North Africa (SPI) to a finish once, CFNA is the reason I got a computer in the first place, to help with the record keeping lol. Played several one sittings of Terrible Swift Sword and Bloody April, we really were into the monster game thing back then.
We dreamed of a place we could set up all of GDW's Europa and play it but none of us owned a warehouse lol.
For you miniature fans, I painted a LOT of the Mexican infantry used in the Alamo games run by Rich H, Ron P and myself at Origins and Historicon back in the late 80's. Havent painted since lol. Had nightmares about thousands of unpainted figures lined up outside my door.

Antonius -> (3/25/2002 3:10:10 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by parusski
[B]Chief you are correct. I have a good one too. She has put up with my computer gaming for 11 years and the board gaming for 7 years before and since. Thanks for reminding me. [/B][/QUOTE]

So there are at least 3 of them. Mine let me play ASL in our student days (in the early 80's) all night in her room with my friend while she slept. There was one condition however: that we throw the dice on anything soft so the sound would not wake her !

Marc von Martial -> (3/25/2002 3:24:50 PM)

When Gary Grigsby´s "Kampfgruppe" came out for the C64, me and my buddy played 62 hours countiniously. All we "ate" during that time was a package of cookies and 6 bottles of Coke ;) . We had literally square eyes after this. It was also very hard to get back in the "real world", LOL.

Hauptmann6 -> (3/25/2002 8:14:22 PM)

I played Advanced Third Reich one summer in jr high all the way though twice once as each side. and did the same the next summer with World in Flames with ALL the expantions then availble.

Played a game of SeeKrieg 4 with around 60 ships a side with 2 players... Uhg!!! It took around 10 hours and at the end nothing was floating... lol

parusski -> (3/25/2002 10:12:52 PM)

badinfo I too played War In Europe. My wife could not believe the size of that game or the un-godly amount of time it took to set up(an entire weekend). But I never finished that one. I just got the urge to pull it off the shelf and set it up in our garage-my son(18 years old) has always wanted to do that. So maybe I will, but then SPWAW will suffer from lack of attention.

panda124c -> (3/25/2002 10:43:59 PM)

There is a positive side to all this, if you are playing SPWaW at least your wife KNOWs where you are.:D

parusski -> (3/25/2002 10:47:53 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by pbear
[B]There is a positive side to all this, if you are playing SPWaW at least your wife KNOWs where you are.:D [/B][/QUOTE]

True pbear. But she tells me should would know where I was if I were doing laundry or helping with other chores. GO FIGURE.

troopie -> (3/25/2002 10:52:52 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by parusski
[B]Greg McCarty aren't all wives experts at assinging menial tasks to their husbands in order to annoy them. I love my wife, but she seems to LOVE giving me the most sensless tasks to distract me from more important things ie; SPWAW. [/B][/QUOTE]

It is a fact to wives, that the LEAST important thing THEY want you to do, is more important than the MOST important thing YOU want or need to do. You could be simultaneously saving the world from communism, crime, and global cooling, performing triple cardiac bypasses on the Pope, the King of the Zulus and the President of France, and breaking the bank at Monte Carlo, and they will want you to stop and get something down from a shelf they cannot reach. Thereby letting the world collapse, the Pope, the King of the Zulus, and the President of France die, and you lose all your money. But they have that trifle from the shelf.


Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (3/25/2002 10:59:16 PM)

My life is a comical reversal of sorts.

I am a househusband (I am essentially the "wife" around here hehe). Fybromylagia put me in this spot.

I dont watch sports at all (the "game" is never on tv). But my wife does indeed do the annoying couch potato thing (she has the honourary "husband" role well in hand heheh).

I have to nag "her" to do the few chores I require of her. In her case it is meals and laundry (hey she has to do something).

You can assume if I am online I am between dishes or vacumming or something like that. I generally play Steel Panthers "whenever I **** well want too" eh:)
But then I dont have a wife tapping her foot waiting for me to take out the garbage (its probably me tapping my foot waiting for her to do some laundry).

My wife isnt a "goldbrick" of course. But I have no way of relating to the usual male lament of their wife that "just doesn't understand".
I have a game/model/hobbies in general room in the house. I was able to arrange this mostly as I do all the housework and am responsible for what goes where essentially. When we move she doesnt need to do anything. I set up the kitchen the livingroom dining room bedroom and all that sort of stuff. She just doesnt have the penache I guess.

To be sure my wife is like most women when it comes to relating to my wargames (she doesnt). But she doesnt consider them intrusive to "taking out the garbage". Then again, she usually is the one that takes out the garbage.

It would be cool if she liked wargames, but perhaps that would be just to much. I prefer her to at least be sorta like the wife hehe

Bernie -> (3/26/2002 4:26:35 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by troopie

It is a fact to wives, that the LEAST important thing THEY want you to do, is more important than the MOST important thing YOU want or need to do. You could be simultaneously saving the world from communism, crime, and global cooling, performing triple cardiac bypasses on the Pope, the King of the Zulus and the President of France, and breaking the bank at Monte Carlo, and they will want you to stop and get something down from a shelf they cannot reach. Thereby letting the world collapse, the Pope, the King of the Zulus, and the President of France die, and you lose all your money. But they have that trifle from the shelf.

troopie [/B][/QUOTE]

Brings to mind an old quote by (I think) Mark Twain:

"There are usually two ways to do what a woman wants, or two answers to a question she asks. Both are wrong."

badinfo -> (3/26/2002 7:28:27 AM)

Heh, Parusski y'all are gonna want to find a couple friends to play with ya, two player would really be a long game. We had at least one player for each major power (two for England after the initial Brit player looked at the map for 5 minutes and said "where is England?") and several folks who would sit in off and on taking different parts. I remember spending several days as the USSR just rebuilding the railroads after the partition of Poland lol. Was great fun though, in a tortiose paced sort of way.

parusski -> (3/26/2002 10:39:25 AM)

badinfo I think we will get about 4 others to play. When I first played this monster in the 80's there were three of us, and I agree with you-it was reeeaal slow, but great fun.

WhiteRook -> (4/13/2002 11:39:16 AM)

[FONT=century gothic]I wore my first copy of Steel Panthers out, no - really I did ! Does that count??? [/FONT] :p

mogami -> LOL (4/13/2002 4:55:25 PM)

Hi people, Brings back a lot of memories. My very first war game was SPI 'War in Europe' I was in the Marines and staying on base one weekend in between paydays. Not doing anything but hanging out in the lounge watching TV when the 'roachcoach' showed up. While standing in line to get a cheeseburger and coke
I saw a private from another outfit reading the rule book, I saw the title and asked him about it. He got very excited. He had been playing the game solotaire and the prospect of another player really got him going. (He paid for my coke and cheeseburger) he dragged me off to his barracks where the maps were all set up in the hall (the barracks were pretty quiet on weekends) I was given a fast lesson on how board games were played, the rule book to read, and command of the allies.
After this weekend I convinced him to move the game to a motel (I like drinking beer while playing) We had to pile the furniture up to make room but we finished game after game, He would never play the allies always the axis and every game he would try to overcome whatever had stopped him from winning the game before. (he never won, but he never got mad)
I got pretty good at doing nothing, I just built up and waited for the CRT's to change in my favour and then went over to the offensive. When I got out of the service I rented a room behind the local wargame store (Rochester NY) mostly D&D stuff but there was a hardcore group of board wargamers. (and Naval Minitures) I had an empty room, the floor always had WIE or Pacific War or Campaign for North Africa or Terrible Swift Sword, American CIvilWar (you name it we played it) We finished complete games, picked new teams and started another. In Iron Ships and Wooden Men we each had a Navy and you had to have ship models painted and if someone captured it in battle they got the miniture (reminded me of marbles) We eventully decided my room was too small and 5 of us rented a house. Ah the wars that were fought, it was a dream come true intill......(can you guess?) Someone got a girlfriend, not problem you say, but then the unspeakable, he moved her into our house of wargames.
She started ranting about the 600 empty beer bottles and the unemptied ash trays. Just who was supposed to do the dishes (I don't think I ever used a dish in 8 months in that house)
Sweep the floors, blah blah blah the four solid single guys took it for about a month before we piled both their stuff on the poarch and locked the door.....But the good old days never returned soon the others all had girlfriends too, Me I re-enlisted.

Mike Oshiki -> (4/13/2002 7:26:48 PM)

Ruxius wrote:
Anyway I can say I firmly believe world HAS a SPWAW girl ready for each one of us.. ! Never stop looking for ...Bing !!!!!


Doesn't that sound a little remeniscent of the arguments used to entice the suicide bombers? "Hey, blow yourself up and you'll go to paradise with 50 virgins..."

Mike Oshiki -> (4/13/2002 7:40:15 PM)

OK, now that I made it to the end of the thread, I'll add in mine. Can't touch Parusski, though.

When I was in the cav, I had two NCO's who were hard-core grogs also. We took unmounted TR mapboards and I bought a huge piece of sheet metal, and we mounted the board on it. Bought a ton of the the "magnet tape" for counters and magnetized the entire thing - strategic warfare, fleets and air breakdown counters, everything. We kept it on top of a wall locker in one of the offices, then played every day after work. So that way one could say to Household 6 "sorry honey, had to stay late at work..."

When we deployed during Desert Storm, we packed several games in the back of the maintenance deuce (which was built up and panelled). During the "sitzkrieg" (Sep-Dec), when we were done with our training, we'd sit in the back of the vehicle and play.

hellcat -> (4/15/2002 10:11:32 AM)

phew made it to the end - i got tears coming from my eyes from some of these tales! Anyhow, here's mine:-

a) I too wore out my sp3 disk and even though it kept crashing kept playing it - it taught me to save often!

b) my gf left me and cut my modem cable in half on her way out the door due to my sp3 pbem timekeeping or lack thereof. I had to steel one from work lol

c) working for a games company where no strat games were being developed I took a week off and played Battleground Gettysburg right through... it took me all week and I didn't sleep for more than an hour or two for the first three days.

d) playing a huge 20mm wwII game in a room big enough to fit a helicopter (without the blades in) I played a bud even though I went deaf in one ear.

e) babysitting a network (for another non strat game producing games outfit in a remote location) I played TA Kingdoms right through Christmas and the Millenium.

I'm sure there are more ppls here with shocking tales of soaking up their time with wargaming... SPWAW seems sooooo huge that I can well imagine spending my old age in a retirement home hooked up to it and having a great time!!

JJKettunen -> (4/16/2002 9:41:55 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by hellcat
[B]SPWAW seems sooooo huge that I can well imagine spending my old age in a retirement home hooked up to it and having a great time!! [/B][/QUOTE]


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