rtrapasso -> RE: How do you defend Burma? (4/18/2008 2:10:48 PM)
i've had good results in a controlled pullback in Malaysia - Change out Gen. Percival - evac most HQ staff from Singapore (esp. Air HQ), get most of your engineers into Singapore and build forts... meantime, have your infantry units defend your bases in the north... when the forts start to fall, withdraw... if you are forced into a withdrawal (i.e. forced to retreat) - that's when you take inordinate losses (and lose your supplies). Eventually withdraw into fortress Singapore and make a stand there... evac as many av support and other noncombatants as possible... if you can, get oil and supplies into the hex before the Japanese enter... If you are determined, you can also reinforce Singapore and stand an excellent chance against holding it against the AI. As long as Singapore holds, you can prevent invasion of Burma... meanwhile you are building up strength. EDIT: Actually defense of MALAYSIA (corrected) is relatively similar in most mods and stock... it's Burma defense that is different, but if you can stop the Japanese in Malaysia, Burma is pretty safe.