russian sp artillery unit? (Full Version)

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countblue -> russian sp artillery unit? (4/20/2008 5:41:02 PM)

I witnessed this in a documentary about the final days of Berlin April 1945.

What is this?

It looks like a gun with tracks (not wheels).

It shoots almost vertically, so its not a long range weapon rather a field gun.
But the caliber must be over 10cm at least.
I would guess even 12,6 or something like that.

Anybody any Idea?
Is it represented in EF? (I woud guess so)


Arkady -> RE: russian sp artillery unit? (4/20/2008 7:48:26 PM)

do you have this gun in mind ?

time 01:35

it is either 152 mm gun M1935 (Br-2) or 203 mm howitzer M1931 (B-4)

both are present in JTCS (see G. obr. 31 203mm howitzers or 152mm Gun Br-2 units)

wikipedia entries

serg3d1 -> RE: russian sp artillery unit? (4/21/2008 8:43:54 AM)

The gun you have seen is 203mm B-4. That is  a famous documentary. In Berlin B-4's were used in direct fire mode to demolish fortified buildings. But B-4 is not SP gun. It's a rare design - towed gun on trucks.

countblue -> RE: russian sp artillery unit? (4/21/2008 12:07:55 PM)

I thought that its not really SP (couldnt see space for an engine)[:)]

I seem to remember some documentary about the battle for my hometown (Vienna) where this guns were also used I think.

Once again, this forum is a constant source of information.
Thanks to all for the answers.


Thanx Arkady, you are absolutly right.

I had exactly this gun in mind (time 01:35)

You were on the spot.

dgk196 -> RE: russian sp artillery unit? (4/22/2008 3:18:59 AM)

As far as I know it is not self-propelled. Check out this website...

Dennis [;)]

Legionaer -> RE: russian sp artillery unit? (4/22/2008 9:34:59 PM)

Check the site of the famous 203mm B-4 . Seems that this heavy Howitzer isnīt self propelled.

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