Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (Full Version)

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IRONCROM -> Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (4/24/2008 8:52:18 PM)

It has been some time since Barth and I have faced eachother as enemies. We have other games going where we are allies.

The last time we played against eachother we were both still learning the game. It was "Europe1939" we played and Barth was victorous as allies over my axis forces.
Now we will meet again as the same as before. Vance as allies and me as Axis. Only it will be WAW instead of Europe1939.

I'm itching for some payback. Only barth has become a very skilled player. Of course so have I...[;)]

We will be playing with "von altairs" WAW player mod. It can be found on the AT community site as "WAW v32a1"

Special units, SS/Siberian, rising productio and special rules on.(special rule in von's scenario is the west's anti-blitz card)
If barth chooses to play the card it will make France a bit harder to capture.

IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (4/24/2008 8:54:12 PM)

German turn 1

Lay Poland to ruins.[sm=00000622.gif]


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (4/25/2008 12:46:01 AM)

German turn 2

Barth has abandoned the Maginot line. He may be trying to bait me into moving into it so the western blitz card will be null. I will wait and force him to pay the 60PP for the anti blitz card.

IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (4/25/2008 12:47:44 AM)

Here's a pic.

Barth has moved 2 british fleets in close and started bombarding Kiel.


Azghaf -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (4/25/2008 11:02:57 AM)

Hi Iron,

Currently playing v32 of this against Vance (Vance West, myself Axis), seems to be going to form so far.  I'll be watching this avidly.



Joshuatree -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (4/25/2008 5:21:18 PM)

Hey cool, I'm playing the same scenario, and am at the same turn... wonder how things will turn out.

IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (4/25/2008 8:08:35 PM)

Von altair just put out a v32a2. He has apparently found a couple more bugs. Barth and I have decided to start over since we are only 2 turns in.

The first 2 turn will probably play out the same more or less. When we get to turn 3 I will post it.

IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (4/25/2008 11:32:50 PM)

Ok... This was different. This time when opened turn 2 I saw that the pol's decided to stand and fight. Last time barth disbanded them on his first turn in order to collect the PP's I'm sure the surviving units that retreated East of Warsaw will be disbanded this turn.


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (4/27/2008 7:31:26 PM)

German turn 3

I decided to give barth something to think about. I built some carrier air last turn and hit one of the british fleets this turn with them. Unfortunately my carrier air hasn't much experince yet as I have just built them. But I have no choice but to hit him now and send a message that Parking the British fleet off the coast of Germany and pounding Kiel into dust will not be tolerated.

I attacked with 20 carrier air and sunk a battleship and a cruiser at the loss of 8 aircraft. At a thousand PP a pop I can build carrier air all day. When they start getting some XP they will surely perform better.


bwheatley -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (4/27/2008 8:51:40 PM)

Yea in my game abu built a ton of Carrier air and it helped him wipe out my british fleet. THen he built a nice fleet of carriers and carrier air and he took naval control from me and let him win the game.

IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (4/28/2008 8:56:20 PM)

German turn 4 (November)

My carrier air seems to have chased off the Royal Navy. I expect I will see them again in Norway when I play the blitz card. Currently I have 24 carrier air stationed in Hamburg.


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (4/28/2008 9:03:20 PM)

I have moved the machine gun formations out of AGS infantry units and replaced them with Bazookas. I prefer bazookas when attacking over MG. Gives them a little more defence against Armor and is easier to tranport than AT guns. I will use the MG's latter to help garrison France.


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (5/1/2008 1:22:33 AM)

Not much going on this turn. AGS has been beefed up with the addition of 3 SS units and an additional infantry unit. Next turn I started beefing up AGC.

IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (5/6/2008 12:48:48 AM)

German turn (March)

Western blitz card comes next turn. Vance has surely played the anti-blitz card. This card is powerful. Not enough to stop the Germans, but will slow them. I will go for Lille to start with. My biggest concern is a French counterattack that could be quit powerful since they will suffer no loss in rediness.

With the snow begining to melt and all the activity at HQ. German soldiers are begining to grow restless. There are a lot of rumors going through the ranks about a major operation against the French. Young boys who never seen combat before have a look of fear on there face they can't seem to hide[sm=00000116.gif] and old veterans of the "Great War" act as if nothing is going on and seem more concerned about finding a bit of ale.[sm=00000436.gif]
Wonder what the French are doing now.


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (5/9/2008 9:49:30 AM)

Germany (April)

As I begin my turn I am finding reason for concern. I did not recover as much rediness as I am accustomed to, and after my first couple of attacks I'm not sure if I should go for Lille.
Normally I would use my mobile SS units to push through after the initial attack and take Lille. With fewer action points than I normally have, I am concerned I might not win the battle and leave myself open for a possible counterattack on the stranded units left on the roads leading into Lille.


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (5/9/2008 10:02:04 AM)

After some careful consideration I opt for another plan and send my engineer down to bridge the river in hope of being able to mount a better attack on Lille without needing as many action points.
The plan worked well enough but I'm still not totally satisfied with the results. I'm not as exposed to counterattack as I would have been if it had failed though.

In the north my subs do some scouting and find this british fleet consisting of 1DD,1CG,1BB,1CA,and 3 carrier air.
With only one DD in this fleet I figured my subs stood a better than fair chance of possible nailing A BB or even the carrier.
All I got was 1 CG and now my subs are exposed to counterattack. It was a gamble that didn't pay off this time but I would do it again given the chance.


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (5/24/2008 12:17:35 AM)

Sorry about the delay folks. I had a loss in the family.[:(]

IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (5/24/2008 12:21:14 AM)

Here is the current pic from my invasion of France.

I'm pushing straight for Paris. I lost some subs this turn in my gambit for the British fleet. But was able to sink 5 DD's this round which makes up for it somewhat.


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (5/24/2008 12:24:26 AM)

Current losses so far.

Also:Currenly I have made the following tech upgrades.

Basic infantry II
Heavy infantry II
Fighter II


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (5/24/2008 12:30:48 AM)

OFF topic pic

Check out this NASA pic of the sun I found on the net. I thought it was very cool.[8D]


Joshuatree -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (5/24/2008 5:33:57 PM)

Hmm, impressive sight. Thanks God it's not earth after WWIII. Those protuberances can get up to hundreds of thousand km's high.

IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (5/31/2008 4:36:14 AM)

French take a beating this turn. Paris is in Danger.


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (5/31/2008 4:37:45 AM)

Big losses for the French this round. Have a look.[;)]


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (5/31/2008 4:38:54 AM)

Allies make a play for Norway...


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (6/1/2008 7:21:27 PM)

Turn 12

After 2 rounds of combat the West plays the abandon Paris card on the third turn. A very successful invasion of France with minimal losses to German forces. I have been questioning latley just how useful the West's anti-blitz card really is. The PP's might be better used towards technology.

In the North... Norway is in real trouble. Barthheart pounced on them almost immediately after playing the western blitz card. I suppose it is next to immpossible to defend Norway if the allies move on them right away. Oslo is blockaded by powerful British Naval forces out of range of my carrier air.


Daniel_machinegun -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (6/2/2008 4:01:07 AM)

That is ok questioning about the card. Because if there is no "question" then that wouln't be a "DECISION" Card!!

A lot of cards seem not to be a "DECISION card" but a "DO IT card". So questioning add a lot of greatness to the card.

Great AAR!! please keep going.

IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (6/3/2008 3:29:11 AM)

Turn 13

Allies continue the fight in Norway. In an attempt to break the blockade of Oslo I bring in the fatherland's newest secret weapon.[:D]
Aircraft carriers!


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (6/3/2008 3:32:20 AM)

I manage one air strike against the British fleet before a hasty retreat...

Scratch one British CV... Also got a DD and the 3 carrier air on board the British CV went into the Sea.[;)]


IRONCROM -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (6/3/2008 3:36:42 AM)

In the East Japan is now active and I play the China offensive card. I have seen some players delay this action for several turns before playing it. I'm not sure if it somehow gives the axis an advantage doing that but I will waist no time and go straight after China.

Note: Japan is the only power I have never played in WAW. Hope it doesn't prove my undoing.


Grymme -> RE: Barthheart-vs-IRONCROM-WAW-(Axis view) (6/3/2008 3:57:56 PM)

Doesnt playing the china offensive card mean that you have to attack USA within 6 turns or forfeit the game? Thats what i thought at least.

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