Buying Points - How to Determine? (Full Version)

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sop -> Buying Points - How to Determine? (9/27/2000 4:27:00 PM)

Is there an option where i could set for example 3500 buying points for both players? Or do I just have to click the Maximum Points button and tell my friend that he is only allowed to buy for a certain amount points.

Arralen -> (9/27/2000 5:06:00 PM)


Originally posted by sop: Is there an option where i could set for example 3500 buying points for both players? Or do I just have to click the Maximum Points button and tell my friend that he is only allowed to buy for a certain amount points.
There's a field in the right half of the "preferences" screen that says "battle points" .. maybe you want to try this out ? [img][/img] Arralen

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