Hidde -> RE: Error message (4/28/2008 1:43:46 PM)
Well, I googled some and it was indeed a problem with Microsoft.NET. I fixed it..sort of. The game starts now as it should but there's something wrong with the resolution. It's a bit hard to describe but I can see only about half of what should be there on the screen and the graphics are stretched. It's not possible to scroll. The mouse pointer can go "outside the screen" though and when I click without seeing I can hit a button and exit or load or whatever I happen to click at. I've checked my installed games from Matrix and TSATG, TSJC, Gates of Troy and Panzer Command-Winter Storm are all this way but Napoleon in Italy is not. Other games show this behavior too but some does not. When I used a program called Faststone Capture to try and get a picture of the screen it changed it somehow and it looked as i should. When I canceled the screen capture it went back to the wrong display. Go figure.