Gregor_SSG -> RE: Only one scenario? (5/2/2008 7:28:37 AM)
Naturally, each person must make up their own mind as to what constitutes value for them. However, I would like to make a few points on the subject. The inclusion of Areas of Operations is a big deal. It makes a huge point of difference with all our previous Decisive Battles/Battlefront games and makes a huge difference to how you play the game, especially when used with the mystery variants. While it looks like just another bullet point on a marketing department's list, it was the type of change that required a lot of work under the hood and this took a considerable amount of time. If you look at where this started with the original Ardennes game then we have come a long way in game design terms. It would have been easier, and more profitable, if we hadn't made constant design changes and just churned out scenarios, but we have chosen to innovate and improve the game system. The good news on that front is that we are very happy with the new design and the next game will use this design, which should make it much easier to keep scenarios compatible. On that note I can say that extra scenarios are already being worked on and we will look seriously at what is involved in updating our older titles. We have also enlisted the help of Chris Merchant, a long time supporter, who has worked hard to update the Battlefront manual and to continue that improvement into Kharkov. You will also be pleased to know that Kharkov does include a tutorial, something we acknowledge was missing from Battlefront. We also took the opportunity that the new design afforded to simplify the movement and supply systems which will make gamer's life easier. I feel confident that once people start playing the Kharkov game then any doubts will be banished. It is an exceptionally exciting battle and in my opinion, our best yet, nudging in front of Market Garden and Across the Dnepr. Gregor