"PZCKH" Reviews & Awards (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [Discontinued Games] >> Panzer Command: Kharkov


Marc von Martial -> "PZCKH" Reviews & Awards (5/2/2008 12:35:30 PM)

Updated as they come in:

Armchair General Magazine - 89%
"Panzer Command Kharkov is a great addition to any wargamer’s hard-drive. The interface and mechanics are straight-forward enough that even beginning gamers can quickly catch on. But the action in Kharkov is realistic and pure wargame; players ignore real-life tactics at their peril. The endless replay value and open game engine promise to keep gamers happy for a long time to come. Koios and Matrix Games have given us a great game that is easy to recommend."
Link to review: http://www.armchairgeneral.com/...

Out of Eight - 7/8
"Panzer Command: Kharkov brings up a lot of memories of Combat Mission (in a good way) and the turn-based strategy gameplay is enjoyable."
Link to review: http://jaguarusf.blogspot.com/...

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