janh -> RE: AI and Containers and Commanders? (5/7/2008 4:50:22 PM)
Hi Eric, ok, I tricked a bit with a hex editor turning off the FOW and Hide Strength flags and just spend two dozen turns in "fast forward" just to see what his up to. Indeed he is building Divisions and sometimes also a Corps Container in Harrisburg, his only town with 3 Barracks. So that is fine. His three armies, two around Washington and the Western Department right in WV, are made up very differently. While the Army of Potomac is organized with 2 Corps and subordinate divisions plus several independent brigades pretty well, his Western Department is basically only made up of divisions and brigades, much as had the armies historically been in early 1862. So that is great. It seems that his empty containers just remained in the East, whereas he had many free independent brigades now in the West. But luckily in the next few turns he is going to move back into KY and sending also a division or two towards Cairo/ Ft Henry. I am really impressed by the AI, especially in the Tactical Combat. It is really extremely good, acting often quite "historically" and is very challenging, especially when one restricts himself also to more historical moves. It even has very little real flaws that could be exploited as means of cheating. I really think you should strengthens this feature if you want to make an addon, by historical or more diverse maps with nicer road-patterns, trails, bigger rivers, more dense and connected forests and heights and the VP locations spread more over the entire map. I believe, if you ever plan a FOF2, this feature might also become a fully independent game (maybe with a nice 3D engine and thinks like ammo selection for Arty, couriers etc) that could be played separate in fact. Could someone of you answer me a few questions for modding? I'd like to change the promotion behavior of the AI, as I mentioned, and wonder whether it always immediately knows the abilities of commanders or whether it also depends on them to be revealed in battles? Then it would be nice just to reduce the probability for revealing drastically. And, lastly, what do the parameters AI_IdealOddsx100 AI_RefuseOddsx100 AI_ReluctanceScalex100 AI_OutOfTheaterMultiplierOnValuex100 AI_ValueDistance0 to AI_ValueDistance9, AI_ValueDistanceGr9 AI_EnemySiegex100 in the ACWconstants.txt file affect and how to read the tactics.txt? Thanks, Jan