DeadInThrench -> RE: New game with the same engine. (5/6/2008 3:18:02 PM)
IMO.... what the wargaming community could stand.... is a generic ahistorical game (with scenarios with historical flavor) that is set in the ancient/mideval/pre 1870 era. The thing that would be different in a game like this... combared to AT..... is your armies are pretty much consolidated, as opposed to having a continuous front, and when it comes time to fight, the game would go to a battlefield and that's where the battle would be fought. In 1870.... there was the Franco-Prussian War.... and IMO... this is when continuous front warfare first started..... increasing to a greater extent in WW1 and since then. However, previous to this when nations went to war, they pulled their armies together and found a place to fight and, whomever won the battle won the war. This was most extreme in ancient times, but by the time of the American Revolutionary War and the Seven Years War, they stilll fought it out on battlefields but things had gotten to the point where winning just one battle did not win the war. Things continued along these lines through the Napoleonic Era and the American Civil War. Then in 1870, things had gotten to the point where continuous front warfare took hold instead of the battles of the past. So, IMO, if you are gonna have a game on the wars of periods previous to 1870, when it comes time to fight the battle you must break down to a battlefield and fight it out there, or otherwise you lose the gist of what was going on during those periods. (Hmmmm.... actually, one might say that continuous front warfare actually started with Lee vs Grant... with U.S. Grant, in fact 'inventing' continuous front warfare.) Anyways.... just thought I'd say this re possibilities for games along the lines of AT except covering different periods. Haven't otherwise thought of the applicibility of the AT engine to something like this. The only other applicibility I can think of for the AT engine, is the possibility of a more historic WW2 game, say, with Panthers and Tigers instead of Medium Tanks and Heavy Tanks. Whatever, DiT