Sounds between turns? (Full Version)

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elmo3 -> Sounds between turns? (5/14/2008 4:37:41 AM)

Playing against the AI tonight and between turns I heard what sounded like aircraft engines and strafing. I did not get any kind of report on what was happening. Anyone know what that is all about?

Jeffrey H. -> RE: Sounds between turns? (5/14/2008 6:33:17 AM)

I think that's interception going on......Usually I associate that sound with divebombers, but it might be a generic aircraft sound.

You might be getting attacked by opposing aircraft or your own aircraft might be hearing sounds related to interception of the opposing players attacks.

rickier65 -> RE: Sounds between turns? (5/14/2008 8:22:19 AM)



Playing against the AI tonight and between turns I heard what sounded like aircraft engines and strafing. I did not get any kind of report on what was happening. Anyone know what that is all about?

Are you sure there was nothing in the history book? I thought those things showed up in there.


elmo3 -> RE: Sounds between turns? (5/14/2008 1:25:09 PM)

Not sure where to find the history book but I'll look for it. Thanks guys.

Edit - Oh *that* history book. [:D] Found it, and yes we got strafed and lost one point of rifles.

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