Uamaga -> Looking for Opponent (BigB 192 or CHS 159) (5/17/2008 1:32:45 PM)
As said above I'm looking for opponent for grand campaign in either Big B mod (scen 192) or CHS scen 159 (known also as "experimental") - final choice at hands of the other side. So far I played only as Japanese (JFB deep at heart I guess): near a year of PBEM experience, hopefully enough to qualify as intermediate level player. I would be more then happy to try once more to take over the world as Japanese player but this time I'm ready also to try how things are looking like from the Allied HQ perspective. So if you won't mind playing against essentially beginner allied player neither will I [:'(] In either case I'm looking for 1 turn per day (though sometimes I should be able to deliver more then 1 a day). House rules are of course subject to negotiations - they should promote realistic but not necessary historical (sorry) style of play. At the very least they (together with good will of both players) should prevent overusing of engine deficiencies (like constant use of land micro-fargments to burn defender supply - yuk!!!). In case there will be any problems with getting into agreement in regard to HR set I'm open to the idea proposed before on this forum: one player has final word on the HRs, other one have a right to chose the side. Regards.