Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (Full Version)

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Howard7x -> Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (5/24/2008 11:50:20 AM)

Stalingrad 50 turn scenario.
PBEM only using a modified sattalite image map.
Created by John Schettler

In mid-September 1942, after driving to the outskirts of Stalingrad the Germans launch their first major assaults to take the city. In the center, the 51st Korps shock group composed of 71, 76, and 295 infantry divisions surged towards Mamayev Kurgan. In the south, the 48th Panzer Korps of Hoth’s 4th Pz Army sent the 29th Motorized, 24th Panzer and 94th Infantry divisions against the suburbs of Yelshanka and Kupersnoye. After promising initial gains by the Germans, Chiukov landed reinforcements in the nick of time, bringing 13th Guards, 92nd Naval Marine Bde and the 95th Rifle division across the Volga to try and halt the German attack. The bitter street fighting that ensued has fascinated historians and researchers ever since. (Not to mention game designers.) And in this expansive battle players will see just how brutal urban warfare can be, with casualties mounting, battalions withering away to company strength, ammunition shortages, and key terrain features changing hands as each side feeds in new units. All the major Victory Point objectives are labeled in red: The Tractor Factory, Barricade Works, Red October Plant, Lazur Chemical Works, Mamayev Kurgan, Red Square, The Grain Elevator, the Rail stations and many others.


Howard7x -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (5/24/2008 11:51:25 AM)

Cental Front.


Howard7x -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (5/24/2008 11:52:37 AM)

Russian Turn 1


Howard7x -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (5/24/2008 11:53:38 AM)

Russian Northern Sector.


Howard7x -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (5/24/2008 11:55:11 AM)

The struggle for the city became an obsession for Hitler, and served to eventually consume the bulk of two full German Armies, marking the turning point for the war in Russia. By denying the German Army mobility, and offering a battle of attrition in the sewers, streets and factories, the Russians bought valuable time to build up powerful reserves that would be unleashed in November’s “Operation Uranus.” The resulting battle pocketed over 300,000 troops, shattering the front and sending the Germans into a desperate defensive retreat that was only stabilized by the genius of Eric Von Manstein in the spring of 1943. This was the battle that broke the back of the German Army in southern Russia in 1942. Germany was never able to recover from the disaster of Stalingrad. But can you prevail where the Germans failed?


Hertston -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (5/24/2008 1:39:36 PM)

Very nice work indeed. Might have to drag BF out of mothballs!

smearedonbread -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (7/21/2008 1:45:37 PM)

It reminds me of the old wargame from The Gamers called Stalingrad Pocket. From what I've seen of these Stalingrad screenshots, it might be a good excuse to pick up a copy of Battlefront....


Kung Karl -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (7/22/2008 1:14:16 PM)

Is this the entire stalingrad battle at regimental scale? That must be some huge numbers of counters to move around and for 50 turns! Looks nice though even if it might be to much for me to handle.

Ichili -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (8/3/2008 12:29:02 AM)

  Great work, Mr Schettler . This post and the images above convinced me to buy BF, just to play your scenario! I am really impressed by the map and the detailed OOB (NKVD armored train? Wow!)
I hope this tour de force and other battles by you or others (Berlin, perhaps?) renew the fading interest for this game.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (8/3/2008 12:35:03 AM)

Fantastic, great to see the new BF scenarios.

jmlima -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (8/16/2008 10:40:11 PM)


Now with the more up-to-date Kharkov out, any plans for a sale on Battlefront?

SwampYankee68 -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (9/10/2008 2:37:04 AM)

Wow.  Very impressive work!

MikeP -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (11/8/2011 11:06:32 AM)

Hi Guys, Im new to the forum. John Schettler mentioned that he would try and get AI set up for Stalingrad. Ive looked for any info on this but can't find any. Could you help me with any updates?

wodin -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (11/16/2011 8:21:21 AM)

If an AI was made for the Stalingrad battle I'd buy the game at some point.

wodin -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (10/31/2012 8:29:18 AM)

Someone somewhere for the love of god make an AI for this scenario and I will buy BF..Matrix please sort it...

Fred98 -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (11/1/2012 11:37:41 AM)

I played it by PBEM a few times and thought it a great balanced scenario!

Just when the German player feels he is about to have a victory the Russians make a comreback!

wodin -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (11/1/2012 2:21:08 PM)

A real shame they ditched this scale. I'd have loved them to have made a series of coy\battalion level wargames,..if one had been a selection of Stalingrad scenarios at around 500m a hex and then added leaders etc etc I'd have been all over it.

SapperAstro_MatrixForum -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (11/6/2012 12:13:51 PM)

Perhaps SSG could step in and foster this baby? Yeah I know...bad joke.

In any case, Kharkov can apparently also use this scale for scenarios (it was sold as multiscalable. Says so in the manual too). Unfortunately, with the retiscent attitude of the devs, I doubt they will grab this and make it into a Kharkov scenario, in spite of the fact that it would be a winner.

Wodin, you should pester Eric Rutins about this on email. He seems to keep in touch with SSG somehow. They never answer my emails.

Failing that, or at the same time, search through the forums until you find some of the modders that made scenarios for both this and Kharkov (scenarios with an AI) and see if they feel like a challenge. Or, see if there is an AI tutorial out there. After all, the map, OOB, etc is already in place.

If you do find a (comprehensive) AI tutorial for the Battlefront system, let me know and I will have a peek myself.

wodin -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (11/6/2012 12:25:41 PM)

OK mate..I'm on it.

wodin -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (11/27/2016 1:13:16 AM)

still no AI for this...Matrix\SSG make an AI give the person who made the map etc some royalty percent and get it up for WILL sell

kaygttelmann -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (11/12/2017 1:08:17 PM)

There are some new findings in the research of the battle of stalingrad, especially what the posotioning of the 76th Inf. Division concerns. Anyone with the ambition to implement this, and so for do an updated version of this scenario? [&o]

JamesHunt -> RE: Stalingrad 50 Turn Scenario (6/3/2021 8:35:26 AM)

Was meanwhile a way found to play this against the AI?

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