RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (Full Version)

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Terminus -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/26/2008 8:32:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: mikemike


ORIGINAL: chuckwalla

By the way, what ever happened to the Danish Jews?

Danish Resistance managed to smuggle most of them to Sweden. Tragically, the last group was intercepted by the Gestapo (between 100 and 200 people) and went where all the Jews went the Gestapo got their hands on.

It is noteworthy that, when Hitler ordered that all Jews had to wear the "Judenstern" (a badge in the shape of a David's star in yellow bearing the word "Jude" (Jew) in black letters which had to be worn at all times on the outer clothing), the Danish King ostentatiously wore the Judenstern himself. After that, the German occupation authorities abstained from enforcing this particular regulation.

What's that got to do with the Swedish PM and whether or not he plays WitP?

Japan -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/26/2008 8:44:12 PM)

It is Facenating Indeed. The Swedish PM was the Boss in the "Värnspliktråd" in the late 80's, and on same time Political Active, I dont know if that may have been a Reason to why he got a KGB Codename.

Now when it comes to the Norwegan PM and why he got a KGB nick... thay sayed he had close KGB relations... ..

Link, Norwegan Prime Minister's close relations to KGB in 80/90's  (Use Norwegan to English Web Site Translator to Translate).

Anyway.. Thay Both Play WITP... So maby thay are Arround here?

So any of you who know about any Prime Ministers who worked for KGB, or for other reasons got a Nick from them... and Play WITP, using thair old Nics... Its a bit absourd.. that thay use thair own old nicks... HeHe maby we will faind alot of State Leaders ect.. sitting arround here playing WITP and other Games with thair old Nics..?



chuckwalla -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/26/2008 9:03:55 PM)


Please ignore my posts from last night. I was angry over personal issues that had nothing to do with WITP or this forum. The result was that I was "stroppy" (a new word I learned from goodboyladdie). I will delete my posts in the interest of board harmony and apologize to anyone I may have offended.

Japan did bring us an interesting story so let's just sticks to that.


Canoerebel -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/26/2008 9:32:30 PM)

Speaking of Norway, I think most men middle-aged or older are familiar with the term "quisling" (one who betrays his country by aiding an invading enemy - the real Quisling was a Norwegian official who cooperated with the Germans during WWII).  In recent years, I've asked many highschool and college-age students whether they have ever heard the word and I can't recall a single one who had. That makes me feel old.

Japan -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/26/2008 10:18:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Speaking of Norway, I think most men middle-aged or older are familiar with the term "quisling" (one who betrays his country by aiding an invading enemy - the real Quisling was a Norwegian official who cooperated with the Germans during WWII). In recent years, I've asked many high school and college-age students whether they have ever heard the word and I can't recall a single one who had. That makes me feel old.

Actualy, regarding Mr. Quisling i don't know if i fully agree in your definition. Well i sort of do, but there is more to it.
Hehe I can mantion my thoughts about him and his actions...

He as a Political Leader, and Leader of the Norwegian Natzi Party meat with the German Ambassador in Oslo the 8th and 9th April 1940, and thay at 8th/9th April 1940 Walked up to the Parliament, and Held a Speech for the Norwegan Govermant, Demanding Norway to Surrender to Germany, or Germany Would Declare War on Norway. Norway was Invaded with force around 7 Hours Later. Germany took 6 Weeks of Occupying Norway, Twise the time they used on France.

The Norwegan Government had Received a Few "threats" and "informations" from United Kingdom 20 and 25 Days Prior to the German Invention.. Basely saying that the Norwegan Merchant Fleet (Who included the Worlds Most Modern and one of the Worlds Largest Tanker FLeets, sailing mostly from Middle East, India and US to and from United Kingdom..) would be Attacked and Sunk any were it could be found, if it in the Future would Fall into German Hands. The Norwegans Ignored this as British Propaganda, and attempts to Draw Norway into the Britain War.
The Britts in addition to this "information" (demanded) the Rights to Mine any Norwegan Port at own Will, and to Mine Norwegan Waters to Prevent German Ships to Transport Iron Ore from Narvik to Germany.
The Contracts of Transporting Iron Ore From Narvik to Germany was Highly Banefitial to Sweden, and to Norway.
Germany Payed Large Quantities of Materials, Resources and Money for this, and at one Point the Ships was evan Guaranteed Norwegan Escort when in Norwegan Wathers.

The Norwegan Govermant Responded to the British, that any Mine Layer in Norwegan Wathers would be Sunk without Murcy, and any British Warship in Norwegan Wathers would be Destroyed or Forced Captured if seed there. Thay also sayed that the Same Rules Applied to any German Warship.

When Eventualy Germany Invaded Norway, the 9th of April 1940, the Norwegans Appologyed to United Kingdom, and Promised that one of the Worlds Largest Merchant Fleets (the Norwegan) would say any British Products or Deals for the Same Payments as Standard Pre-War Costs/Fees. United Kingdom Agreed to this Conditions.
Norway Forced all Merchant Ship Company to Submit to Govermant Controll, or thay would be Sized.
Thay then formed NORTHRASHIP who would be Norwegan State Owned, and thay would use all the ships of all the merchant's and busnis men. This Fleet, Northraship, instantly become the Worlds Largest Shipping Company, and they earned Genormus Amounts of Money for Norway, who after WW2 was used to Rebuild the whole nation, and to expent infrastructure, housings ect. Another Condition for the Deal, was that United Kingdom Evacuated the Norwegan King, Crone and Goverment, and took the Responsibility of Transporting the Whole National Archives, and the Norwegan Gold Reserve to UK, Prior to the Germans Being in Oslo.

All of the Above was Rescued, but caused British and French Troops to land in Narvik to Delay the Germans.
The National Gold Reserve, Government and King was Rescued by UK, and set in UK up a Government in Exile.
Thay then Formed "Little Norway", and Advanced Training Facilely for the New Spitfire Based new Norwegan Airforce, and thay got a Dock in London for the New Norwegan Fleet, and some Training Locations in Irland for Comandos and Parathropers. All of this was Payed by United Kingdom, who in addition payed huge fees for the transports the NORTHRASHIP (The Norwegan Ships) did for UK.

While this was going on, Quisling Formed a Goverment in Norway, and Called all Ships in Norway German, and the Reminding Infastructures in Norway was taken over by Germany. (Police Authoretys ect weas still operative, but under Germand Command).

Quisling did a few good things for Germany but also some for Norway.
For Example, Building and Restoring Huge Quantities of Rail, Building Alot of Airports, Roads, Harbors, Upgrading the Whole Telephone System, the National Radio, Telegraph System, and Evan Built Huge Parts of the Highway Called E6, Still in use today as the Main Highway Connecting North and South Norway. (All the Tunnels along this way is btw built by Russian Prisioners of War, and thew Road itself is mainly Buildt by Brisith (From Afrika) and Russian Prisoners of War).

Quisling Claimed he did what he did to Preserve Norwegan Integrity, and ensure Norwegan Self Control, who indeed was ensured to a large Degree. He set up and arranged a Secret Police and alot of Torture Chambers ect.
After Norwegan Saboteurs blow up the Trains and later the actual Germanys Largest Nuclear Recharch Facilely, and Hevy Wather Production Facilety at Hydro Rukan in Norway, Quisling lost alot of Power, as his Actual Ability to Controll and Lead was seen more and more as non existant.

When the British Evacuated at Dunkirk, every small ship thay had in the area took Part of the Evacuations, However, the 6 New Ships Norway had just gotten from UK, was not part of it, as the Norwegans still was angry for the rather bad UK-Norwegan Relations Prior to WW2. This Caused UK to nor Deliver any more Ships that year to Norway, and also caused some other Political Consciences, but thay was afraid, as the 30% of the ships sailing for them had Norwegan Flag.

The Relations Improved when Britain Gave Norway alot of Spitfires for thair training facilety at Little Norway.

Quisling got unpopuler among the Germans, and more and more unpopuler among the Norwegans.
His Power got more and more on the Paper Only.

He was Executed in October 1945.

DaveB -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/26/2008 10:28:32 PM)

I've heard of him, and I'm only...errr...well, 53 in a few days....hmm, doesn't exactly help much, does it Canoerebel? By the way, what's so rebellious about a canoe?

Chuck - 'saright.

ChezDaJez -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/26/2008 10:35:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: chuckwalla


Please ignore my posts from last night. I was angry over personal issues that had nothing to do with WITP or this forum. The result was that I was "stroppy" (a new word I learned from goodboyladdie). I will delete my posts in the interest of board harmony and apologize to anyone I may have offended.

Japan did bring us an interesting story so let's just sticks to that.


No need to apologize... we all have our moments. Your post evoked some head-scratching but I took no offense.

Apollo11 -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev anyway) (5/26/2008 10:44:02 PM)

Hi all,




ORIGINAL: Apollo11



The Swedish Priminister was on Interwiev on TV today, and he talked about his Hobbies.

The Largest of His Hoppy was to play War in The Pacific, Aproksemetly 2 Hours Every Day.

He did not dare to say his Gaming Name, as it could cause Complications for him, however he sayed he used as Gaming name, the same name as KGB internaly had assigned to be his Codename back in Coald War Times...

So, if any of you would faind the Codename the KGB in the old days had for the man who today is the Swedish Prieminister, well then you will know his Gaming Name.

Apparantly he has played the game for 3 Years, and he playes also a game he sayed was called Read Alet, and one called The Korsum Pocket also, but not so often as this "War in the Pacific".

Well Sir, If you Read this I just wanna say that i dont hope you are easely effected by Computer games (no that was a joke) .. Anyway.. what i wanted to say was Good Work on your Policy (i voted for you), and give me a word if you want to take a Game one day.


Is this for real? [:)]

Leo "Apollo11"

Yes it is for real, im not kidding it was on TV in a interwiev about him and his life as prime minister ect..



In any case, if Sweden's prime minister is reading this, he certainly deserves big WELCOME here as ordinary Grognard we all try to be! [:)]

BTW, IMHO, playing intelectual wargames (what WitP most certainly is [:)]) is nothing unsimilar to playing chess - the good mental gymnastics is important! [:)]

Leo "Apollo11"

Try to find us the transcript or video of the interview like you did for Norwegian prime minister! [8D]

Japan -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev anyway) (5/26/2008 11:48:24 PM)

Apollo11  - I Fully Agree with you sir, well saied.


crsutton -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev anyway) (5/26/2008 11:49:32 PM)



The Swedish Priminister was on Interwiev on TV today, and he talked about his Hobbies.

The Largest of His Hoppy was to play War in The Pacific, Aproksemetly 2 Hours Every Day.

He did not dare to say his Gaming Name, as it could cause Complications for him, however he sayed he used as Gaming name, the same name as KGB internaly had assigned to be his Codename back in Coald War Times...

So, if any of you would faind the Codename the KGB in the old days had for the man who today is the Swedish Prieminister, well then you will know his Gaming Name.

Apparantly he has played the game for 3 Years, and he playes also a game he sayed was called Read Alet, and one called The Korsum Pocket also, but not so often as this "War in the Pacific".

Well Sir, If you Read this I just wanna say that i dont hope you are easely effected by Computer games (no that was a joke) .. Anyway.. what i wanted to say was Good Work on your Policy (i voted for you), and give me a word if you want to take a Game one day.


Now that is way cool. I like the guy already.[;)]

Sheytan -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 2:07:25 AM)

Good LORD! whats all the fuss about? In times of old Kings sat and played games, some in the Harem...some chose chess...or other forms of amusement. I prefer Kings and "leaders" whom enjoy placid games, like err WITP or chess for that matter as opposed to the move violent forms of recreational past times, like err impaling people on stakes and watching thier deaths, Vlad for example, or a Turkish Sultan whom had the Venetian commander of Cyprus skinned alive, and his skin stuffed, all in the name of recreational pasttimes.

witpqs -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 6:57:15 AM)

I too applaud the PM for having a more cerebral pursuit than many.


Yakface -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 10:12:04 AM)

Looks to me like Highcommand has been visiting Wikipedia again.  He probably told his significant other that the PM got to play 2 hrs a day, then had to fake the evidence.

Jonathan Pollard -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 12:39:53 PM)



Chuckwalla, as I'm swedish, I find it a little moving that you're leaping to our defense. Rest assured, however, that nothing written so far in this thread have managed to offend me. On the contrary - I got those wonderful 'swedish chef' links to cheer me up. Haven't seen those since I was a little kid [:)]

I must also chime in with a couple of the other guys - Having [previously] absolutely no clue that our PM was a gamer, he's managed to move up a couple of notches in my eyes.

(It's just too bad that he's simultaneously in the process of disassembling the swedish defense forces. Sadly, IMHO, it's also mostly due to inept defense politics. [:(])

Grollub is very close to the Russian word for pigeon, which is golub. Does the Prime Minister of Sweden have any connection to Lulea, where Grollub says he's from?

Although I'm not a native Russian speaker, it's possible that Mynok may be a Russian word for a small mine (mina is a regular sized mine).

Also, Naskra rhymes with the Russian word Iskra, which means spark. I looked up naskra in my Russian dictionary and could not find anything, but there's a word "naskok" which means swoop or attack.

Jonathan Pollard -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev anyway) (5/27/2008 1:35:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: goodboyladdie



Probably not.
Any Primeminister saying to play computer games 2 hours every day would destroy his reputation instantly.


play War in The Pacific, Aproksemetly 2 Hours Every Day

Why? I would imagine it would be a welcome distraction from all his other worries. If he is a gamer, why should he give up his hobbies because of his job?

Edited: No politics! - The Management

Terminus -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 1:41:53 PM)

Gee, how did I know this would happen?

wild_Willie2 -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 1:54:33 PM)

Why does it always have to be some guy with < 30 posts to his name, or some stakehouse dude that bring up politics on this forum......[:-][:-][:-][:-][:-][:-][:-][:-]

whippleofd -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 2:48:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: wild_Willie2

Why does it always have to be some guy with < 30 posts to his name, or some stakehouse dude that bring up politics on this forum......[:-][:-][:-][:-][:-][:-][:-][:-]

1) They haven't been around long enough to understand what this board is about.
2) They think this board is like most others out there where a flame war can be started over something not related to the Pacific War in WW2.
3) They don't have manners.
4) They think we care about their political views.
5) Because attacking a person is oh so easy when it's text based.
6) It's easier than sending out SPAM.
7) They think the ROC's don't apply to them.
8) All of the above.

Please note, this post is not directed at an actual poster and no posters were harmed in the posting of this post to a post concerning what another poster posted.


Grell -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 2:52:36 PM)

That is so interesting.



Japan -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 3:48:31 PM)

Anyway, hers the link about one of the PM's, i think the Auto Translater i found is so poor, so i added the orginal link also.

Anyway Gentlemen, thanks alot of many replays, the post exploded into 70 replais, didnt expect that as i have made only few popsts before. Anyway thanks gents.


wild_Willie2 -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 3:51:51 PM)

When it involves a "Famous" person and WITP, you can expect to get a lot of responses on this forum, heck, even JUST WITP will get 4 pages in no time.....[:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

Feltan -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 4:17:30 PM)




ORIGINAL: wild_Willie2

Why does it always have to be some guy with < 30 posts to his name, or some stakehouse dude that bring up politics on this forum......[:-][:-][:-][:-][:-][:-][:-][:-]

1) They haven't been around long enough to understand what this board is about.
2) They think this board is like most others out there where a flame war can be started over something not related to the Pacific War in WW2.
3) They don't have manners.
4) They think we care about their political views.
5) Because attacking a person is oh so easy when it's text based.
6) It's easier than sending out SPAM.
7) They think the ROC's don't apply to them.
8) All of the above.

Please note, this post is not directed at an actual poster and no posters were harmed in the posting of this post to a post concerning what another poster posted.


Or, if you actually read the house rules, you'll see that politics isn't even mentioned. I know this because I actually checked before I made a slightly political post a few months ago -- only to be upbraided for doing so by people who thought it was specifically prohibited in the rules. Rather, it seems to be the sense of the forums and moderators that politics is prohibited -- which is fine by me.


Terminus -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 4:20:10 PM)

We don't do politics and religion, full stop, because it's 99,99% certain to spark off acrimony.

rtrapasso -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 4:25:34 PM)

There seem to be a couple of different Matrix lists of "Don'ts" on the forum... one of them mentions politics, one doesn't... and neither list is all that easy to locate...

timtom -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 5:40:20 PM)

Has anyone seen any independent evidence that this whole thing is even true? For all we know "Japan" could be having a laugh :)

AFAIK, the article on the Norwegian premier has nothing on WitP. He seems to be into RTS' only.

pmelheck1 -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 6:05:33 PM)

I looked at the links posted for this and the only games mentioned were Age of Empires III and Red Alert.  WITP was not mentioned at all.  Someone is having fun I expect.

Feltan -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 6:22:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus

We don't do politics and religion, full stop, because it's 99,99% certain to spark off acrimony.

Fine by me.

All I was saying is that such a rule should be posted and easily found so forum participants can refer to it. Right now, a newb can stray into undesirible postings with only belated chiding from other forum participants or moderators.


Japan -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 9:08:54 PM)

Sorry if we crossed into the Political Field, i didnt realy think about the Potential problem with Politics, Appologys..

Yes, I found that about the Norwegan PM first after looking on Google and in (web) on a few Scandinavien Newspapers, and looking there i did because i saw this thing briefly on TV about the Swedish PM.. so what i found about the Norwegan PM  was just a couninsedence, and Swedish and Norwegan Languages is very simuler so when looking for the brodcast/interwiev about the Swedish one, I found the Articles about the Norwegan One...

So the Link i found from this Newspaper, actualy had nothing to do with the related brief TV interwiev of the Swedish PM, just a couinsedence that i found it when searching (on Swedish) at Goodle.
Havent found any links regarding the TV interview of the Swedish PM (jet) im sorry [&:]   But found the one about the Norwegan PM..

Anyway, i will see if i can faind anything more about when the Program/Interwiev of the Swedish PM goes aigan on TV... if one thing is sure about tv.. things will come aigan and aigan sometimes sevral times..

Regardless, i think it is interesting that Real State Leaders Play Computer Games, Regardless of what War-Based Strategy Games it may be...


TSCofield -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 9:21:49 PM)

Don't, you didn't do anything wrong.

As for making fun of the Swedes, I can't imagine anyone making fun of a culture that brought us this:


daft -> RE: War in the Pacific is the Swedish Primenisters Favorite Strategy Game (He sayed in interwiev any (5/27/2008 9:24:25 PM)

Hey! That's a Finnish video. [:D]

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