Newbie who hasn't slept.... (Full Version)

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Auslander -> Newbie who hasn't slept.... (3/27/2002 9:48:24 PM)


Why didn't any of you tell me about SPWAW before?!? I d/l it on Monday, and I haven't slept since. I have been working my way through the tutorial scenarios and I'm anxious to get beyond the "running blindly into firelanes" stage of my learning curve...

I have been messing with the Jaeger Finnish scenarios (I am of Finnish descent, and that whole Russian/ WWII thing is a personal grudge) and even though I have NO IDEA what I'm doing yet, I can't tear myself away! I held my own against the bastards for 6 rounds or so, but they are starting to overrun my position. I figure once I learn how to use my OB arty, I should be just fine... Hehe.


BTW- Is Matrix Games responsible when I'm fired from my job and divorced from my wife? I can see my forseeable future ebbing away from me in many long campaigns.....

Mojo -> (3/27/2002 9:58:13 PM)

I've been up since 2 am and am just getting ready to call in sick. Or at least late:D


tracer -> (3/27/2002 10:25:36 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mojo
[B]I've been up since 2 am and am just getting ready to call in sick. Or at least late:D

Welcome [/B][/QUOTE]

LOL :D I saw your other post mentioning your shrinking supply of sick days: I thought you were just kidding!

Welcome aboard Auslander

peter hellman -> (3/27/2002 10:48:28 PM)

It's a new world when you discover this game!!!


badinfo -> (3/27/2002 11:34:46 PM)

Agreed, this game has ruined my sleep patterns lol.
I spend as much time reading here and looking for more stuff to download as I do playing right now but got into Utah to the Rhine last night to the detriment of sleep. Went to check out one of the Stalingrad maps, was just looking at it, really! I somehow started moving the units around and there went another 3 hours lol.

Larry Holt -> (3/28/2002 12:10:33 AM)

Only till 2 AM? You slacker! :) I was up till 4:30, overslept and my boys missed their school bus this AM.

Welcome to the best game yet developed Auslander. Just wait till Combat Leader comes out, it will be better. Try the CL forum for an update.

May I modestly suggest that you read my Tactics guide at: ?

John David -> Sleep? What Sleep!! (3/28/2002 12:19:45 AM)

First Off, welcome aboard Auslander!

Between playing the game, checking the net for more info, scenarios, campaigns and utilities, then reading the stuff I have printed out including many of the PDF files, I haven't slept in a long time:eek: .

All I can say is, bring on the coffee! All of us will be losing sleep for a long time to come!


Bing -> (3/28/2002 1:00:46 AM)

Auslander - You think you are hooked now? You ain't seen nothin' yet.


Gen.Hoepner -> (3/28/2002 1:46:41 AM)

Hi Auslander!Welcome onboard!
Do u want a good suggestion not to sleep for months?By some Mega Campaigns...and you'll see with your own ayes the terrible effects on your real social life!


tracer -> (3/28/2002 2:35:11 AM)

The Wehrmacht supplied their troops with amphetamines and schnapps; we have to do it with Mountain Dew, Slim Jims and Doritos.

Auslander -> (3/28/2002 3:09:02 AM)

Well guys,

Thanks for the warm welcome so far!!

-Larry- I have retrieved your excellent primer and I am currently "borrowing" work resources to print it out.... My only question is- When will I be tested on all this material???

To the General- It's funny that you mention that; I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out how I can convince my wife that I HAVE to have at least one MC, maybe Desert Fox. (Rommel was the only cool Nazi in my book...) According to her "flawed" logic, why would I want to spend $$$ on a game I already have for free? I'm sure this is a a life-changing issue that everyone on this board has had to come to terms with; I think I may start a new thread on this so the "old-timers" can give me both their tactical AND their marriage advice. (I'm not so sure they are mutually exclusive.)


Fallschirmjager -> (3/28/2002 3:20:47 AM)

This game has changed all of our lives.

On my way to classes in the mornings I look at the road and think such things as....

This road would not be suitable for my Panzer advance
That hill looks like it could accommodate for MG and mortar teams
That bridge needs to be blown if the Allies advance any further
That 3 story structure looks like it could hold some snipers
This corner looks like it could be used to flank a Tiger

The list goes on and on...

badinfo -> (3/28/2002 4:08:02 AM)

LOL Fallschirmjager, when Squad Leader first came out way back when my friends and I played so much of it we started doing things like that. We went to the local ballfields and marked out a life sixe hex so we could get a feeling for how big they were. Got to where we could measure real life distances in hexes hehe. We were always doing line of sight checks in the neighborhood, still think woods should be 3 levels high lol. My buddy without thinking one time asked me what turn it was instead of what time it was ;) This game is bringing back a lot of those memories, shoulda installed it a long time ago lol.

WinnipegDragon -> (3/28/2002 4:17:12 AM)

I'll add my two cents.

My wife probably wishes I never even stumbled across the website. I admit, perhaps I get a little overexcited when my FW190s decimate an advancing column of T-34s, but who doesn't?

It's well worth all of her 'I-don't-understand-you-sometimes' looks... I plan on getting my Father hooked when I fly home in July as well. One more opponent for PBEMs...

Bernie -> (3/28/2002 5:50:23 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Auslander
To the General- It's funny that you mention that; I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out how I can convince my wife that I HAVE to have at least one MC, maybe Desert Fox. (Rommel was the only cool Nazi in my book...) According to her "flawed" logic, why would I want to spend $$$ on a game I already have for free? I'm sure this is a a life-changing issue that everyone on this board has had to come to terms with; I think I may start a new thread on this so the "old-timers" can give me both their tactical AND their marriage advice. (I'm not so sure they are mutually exclusive.)

Auslander [/B][/QUOTE]

You can try putting your need for an MC (or two) into terms she can relate to. Compare it to getting a dress from a friend, sister, neighbor for free. Now she just [B]has[/B] to get matching shoes and bag to go with it...oh, and maybe a jacket too (3rd MC), and of course a new hairstyle (4th MC), and none of her old makeup goes with the new dress so... Play your cards right and she'll be encouraging you to get the full set of MC's, and Combat Leader to boot! ;)

parusski -> (3/28/2002 6:24:47 AM)

Hey Auslander, a couple of years ago I nearly got fired because of SPWAW. I have worked out of my home for some time and for some reason I would fire up SPWAW first thing in the mornings-just for a few turns-and the next thing I would know my boss is calling wanting to know just what the HELL I had done all day. Yeah everyone, that's on top of the vacation scam I pulled on my wife. So Auslander just smile when your wife complains, maybe that will help. As for stimulants you could see a shrink, fake ADD and get a prescription to Adderall(amphetamines) and you could play for days. It sure has kept me focused-hehe

SIdeslip -> (3/28/2002 6:41:41 AM)

Wait till you play a human opponent. That's where I think the game is superb. You get more sleep too except you can't wait for the next turn to come through.
As of being a Finn, it shows what a blood thirsty lot we are with the amount of us in evidence on this forum.

Verta Pakiin!

tracer -> (3/28/2002 7:02:52 AM)

[QUOTE] As for stimulants you could see a shrink, fake ADD and get a prescription to Adderall(amphetamines) and you could play for days. It sure has kept me focused-hehe [/B][/QUOTE]

Interesting side note: I'm a pharmacist, and back in school a professor mentioned that Nazi Germany passed one of the first laws restricting controlled drugs. Seems that alot of Luftwaffe pilots were using methamphetamine that was available for the asking, which of course led to over-use and inevitably caused many plane crashes.

Fallschirmjager -> (3/28/2002 7:26:26 AM)

Too bad they couldnt place a ban on .50 cal bullets.

Poor Luftwaffe...

parusski -> (3/29/2002 6:59:18 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by tracer

Interesting side note: I'm a pharmacist, and back in school a professor mentioned that Nazi Germany passed one of the first laws restricting controlled drugs. Seems that alot of Luftwaffe pilots were using methamphetamine that was available for the asking, which of course led to over-use and inevitably caused many plane crashes. [/B][/QUOTE]

I heard the same thing about amphetamines and the pilots. I actually did take adderall for a while but after a few weeks I started wanting to take higher doses-I was having headaches, and was a nervous as a fly stuck in a spider web. I stopped taking it.

Greg McCarty -> (3/29/2002 8:36:47 AM)

:cool: Now don't get fired. You're going to need the money
to buy add-ons.

parusski -> (3/29/2002 8:44:59 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Greg McCarty
[B]:cool: Now don't get fired. You're going to need the money
to buy add-ons. [/B][/QUOTE]

Not to worry my friend. I have developed a scheme over the last couple of years to avoid getting fired. It takes a huuuge amount of discipline to play two or three turns andthen get back to work. But so far, so good. Thanks

RayM -> (3/29/2002 8:49:49 AM)

I too have been spending far too much time on this game. And to think I used to do the same thing but on PACWAR, TOAW-CW, or (insert you latest favorite here).

David boutwell -> (4/1/2002 11:57:05 AM)


Are from DC, or the "DC area"? I live in Prince William County, VA (out near Middleburg). Bull Run starts less than a mile from my house. It would be neat to know someone in the area that plays the game (that I didn't hook myself:) ).


I know I'm getting old when there's someone in this forum that was born the year I graduated high school! :)

Welcome Auslander,

David Boutwell

mogami -> Sleep (4/1/2002 2:18:50 PM)

To play, or not to play: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler online to suffer
The slings and arrows (and anti tank fire) of outrageous combat results,
Or to take arms against a sea of opponets in PBEM,
There by having no end of them? To play: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand op fires and shocks
That your core force is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To play, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep what dreams may come
When we have shut off our computer,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of ISP by minute rather then one low montly bill.;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The ever present Tiger, the Wurferman on ammo dump,
The pangs of crew bailouts, the artys delay,
The lack of orders with C & C on and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes with 40 minute turns,
When he himself might his quietus make against the AI
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear (or shrapnel for that matter),
To grunt and sweat under a weary game,
But that the dread of something after a less then marginal victory,
The oft discover'd country from whose bourn
a commander returns with burnt out eyes, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those lossess to keep those victory hexes we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience (and hidden AT guns) does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution (640x480)
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought (and cigerette smoke and glazed over eyeballs),
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their assaults turn awry, (usally into a building or 'freindly' mine)
And lose the name of action and untold victory points

Auslander -> (4/1/2002 10:21:13 PM)

Bravo!! Bravo!!!

I wish I could be that witty and erudite- unfortunately, I am marching on no sleep today! (Still trying to perfect my lackluster performance on the tutorials... I can assault a (dummy) bunker like nobody's business!!)

And David- Yes, I am in Prince William County as well- I live in Woodbridge, near the dreaded Potomac Mills mall. We will have to play online- I think a sound beating is what I need to learn how to play this game well.


Auslander (Chris Lehto)

Kanon Fodder -> Re: Sleep (4/2/2002 12:04:30 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mogami
[B]To play, or not to play: that is the question:


(words fail me)

Capt. Pixel -> (4/2/2002 5:05:52 AM)

Mogami - I hope you don't mind but I copied your soliloqy to a fellow SP and Shakespeare adoree - I know he'd love it too.:D

mogami -> (4/2/2002 6:04:36 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Capt. Pixel
[B]Mogami - I hope you don't mind but I copied your soliloqy to a fellow SP and Shakespeare adoree - I know he'd love it too.:D [/B][/QUOTE]

Hi, nah it was just a spur of the moment response to this thread and triggered by the 'Henry V' sig line. If I had a minutes sleep for every hour I've spent on SPWaW or other wargames I'd break Rip Van Winkles record for sleep.

David boutwell -> (4/2/2002 7:47:22 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Auslander

And David- Yes, I am in Prince William County as well- I live in Woodbridge, near the dreaded Potomac Mills mall. We will have to play online- I think a sound beating is what I need to learn how to play this game well.


Auslander (Chris Lehto) [/B][/QUOTE]


I never enjoyed getting my butt handed to me on a platter at anything I've ever done. I would imagine that dangling a carrot just out of your reach, so to speak, would be much more enjoyable and motivating for you.

I don't mind playing the part of the "more intelligent AI". If you beat me because you did the right things and have better "stuff", I'll still have fun. I don't mind playing the French, for example, if it provides for a good 1940 battle.

But, if a "whoopin'" is what you want, I can accomodate you. :)

Let me know if you are up to it. I suggest a pre-done scenario. Would you prefer a small or large battle?


David Boutwell

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