Baby Steps (Full Version)

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garysorrell -> Baby Steps (5/26/2008 9:23:32 PM)

Using Arena Puma as a base to work from, I was able to get this far.
So from here I need to learn to manipulate the objects, add fans, and textures.
Very simple, but you have to start somewhere.


therhino -> RE: Baby Steps (5/26/2008 9:38:03 PM)

Great job looks like the high school right outside the big city. Can't wait to see more. Keep it up Garry Sorrell.

Mykal -> RE: Baby Steps (5/26/2008 9:51:56 PM)

Baby Steps my Ar..............language [sm=fighting0056.gif]

Nothing baby about that bro, looks kewl
Great job


Tbird -> RE: Baby Steps (5/27/2008 7:52:33 AM)

Keep goin Gary those look like big steps to me [8D]

grrncore -> RE: Baby Steps (8/14/2009 11:27:54 PM)

ahh the first baby steps of the one and only the workaholic monster garysorrell, man i miss these days when maximum football was fun... i tried making a stadium but turn out like crap.....memories like the corners of my mind....

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