Downloaded Scenario problems (Full Version)

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doublex -> Downloaded Scenario problems (5/26/2008 10:38:00 PM)

Hello all-

I am not new at all to TOAW- in fact, I've been playing it since the original version hit stores, what, 10 years ago now- but I am new to this forum and am really hoping someone can help me out with a nagging problem that I've been unable to solve.

A number of scenarios I've downloaded for TOAW III do not show up when I try to access them via game menus. Now, I know I downloaded then ok- and I can "SEE" the scenario directory when I look in my TOAW III directory on my hard drive- but it does not show up when I play the game (I hope this somehow makes some sense to people, if not, let me know and I'll try again)-

I have downloaded other scenarios successfully and been able to play them. The one thing all these unplayable downloads seem to have in common, is that they are of the OpArt300 variety. Another thing- I have TOAW installed on the D partition of my partitioned hard drive (C and D drives). I mention that only because I read of someone else having this same type of problem and it had to do with with making your registry "point" to the scenarios in question. I have no idea how to do this however.

So, I am really hoping someone can help me out here with a fix. I can provide more details about this problems as needed.

Thank you!!

JAMiAM -> RE: Downloaded Scenario problems (5/26/2008 10:44:22 PM)

Welcome to Matrix and thanks for the purchase!

When you downloaded the scenarios, did you download them to, or move them to the Scenarios directory, or the indvidual sub-directories in the Scenarios directory? If the former, then you need to use the HQ button, and when you get the expanded directory tree, navigate (click) one directory back, so that the Scenarios directory is the one being accessed. Better yet, move them into your individual sub-directories. Let me know if this helps.

doublex -> RE: Downloaded Scenario problems (5/26/2008 11:16:29 PM)

Got it- and tried this both ways already. What happens is this- either the scen does not show up in the existing sub directory folder I saved it to, or in the case of making it its own individual sub directory, when I click on HQ to make it active, it gives me a blank (no choices of possible scens).

As I mentioned earlier, somewhere I read of this happening to people elsewhere, but the solution was not given.

sPzAbt653 -> RE: Downloaded Scenario problems (5/27/2008 1:05:26 AM)

Is this the problem that is solved if you open the scenario in the Toaw III editor, save it, and then it will show up in the menu?

JAMiAM -> RE: Downloaded Scenario problems (5/27/2008 1:08:46 AM)

Just to clarify...are you seeing ANY scenarios in the game, installed, or otherwise, when you select a sub-directory to play from?

rhinobones -> RE: Downloaded Scenario problems (5/27/2008 1:09:10 AM)

Sounds like the game engine is not recognizing the scenarios as being TOAW III. You might try opening the scenarios with the editor and then doing a “say as” to the TOAW III configuration. It’s possible that the original downloads were mislabeled.

Regards, RhinoBones

doublex -> RE: Downloaded Scenario problems (5/27/2008 1:12:54 AM)



Just to clarify...are you seeing ANY scenarios in the game, installed, or otherwise, when you select a sub-directory to play from?

Yes, absolutely, including some that I have downloaded already, and everything that comes with the game itself.

I also tried opening the scenario(s) in the editor, and got an error- this version of TOAW cannot load this scenario.

For reference purposes, here is one of the scenarios I am having trouble opening:

I noticed that the link says it is for version 3.2 - could this then be a patch problem? I thought I had already installed the latest patch though.

Thanks for your replies so far.

JAMiAM -> RE: Downloaded Scenario problems (5/27/2008 1:17:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: doublex



Just to clarify...are you seeing ANY scenarios in the game, installed, or otherwise, when you select a sub-directory to play from?

Yes, absolutely, including some that I have downloaded already, and everything that comes with the game itself.

Okay. Try the suggestions by Rhinobones and sPzAbt653.

doublex -> RE: Downloaded Scenario problems (5/27/2008 1:22:10 AM)

thanks- please note my edited reply above, still no go unfortunately.

sPzAbt653 -> RE: Downloaded Scenario problems (5/27/2008 1:38:53 AM)

Ok, for more frustration, I downloaded it from the link you provided, put it in the 'WWII Misc' file, and it showed up. So we've got something different that may be difficult to figure out. You are using Toaw III or COW ?? Any other description of how you are doing it may help.


doublex -> RE: Downloaded Scenario problems (5/27/2008 1:44:04 AM)

Problem SOLVED! I re-installed the patch and all seems to works- this scen was made in 3.2 and thus does not work without the patch, which I foolishly thought I had applied earlier.

sPzAbt653 -> RE: Downloaded Scenario problems (5/27/2008 1:48:55 AM)

Very Good !!

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