Chris21wen -> RE: Need help with Jap industry (6/9/2008 12:54:16 PM)
As has been said, please read the threads. Japanese production/industry is a nightmare trying to get it run at its full potential particularly by using the in game info. Witptracker helps no end. Basically factory production comes from HI, HI needs oil and resources too produce. To get you going open tracker, select Industry and sort by Oil +/- days. You’ll see how many days of HI production you have in a region (inf = infinity). You can do the same thing with Res +/- days. Keep this above 0 days in both cases and the undamaged HI in the region will be producing at it full capacity. Also use the Witp Chart and Global tabs. Hope it helps, but read the threads. [image]local://upfiles/5388/11ABA1F41F654F2BA0F56AD733B1402E.jpg[/image]