Charles22 -> (10/3/2000 7:57:00 PM)
I tried to recreate the failure I reported yesterday, relating to computer/program lockup. I downloaded V4.2 and did not see a reoccurrence of a program lockup after replying 'n' to op fire. The circumstances were however slightly different. In the campaign where I had the failure, I was playing as Russia with the Finns being the first battle. The Finns were assualting, and with my base core being 3200, and I believe the Finns having no tanks, they may had picked such a huge ski force that I had played against a far greater amount of units than I ever had before.
I do know that I will end up restarting a Russian campaign sometime or other, and if my theory is correct, then I will only have to worry when I face a force assaulting me when my core is 3200 or above, and the enemy has basically no expensive units (other than artillery).