Over the top, in blood... (Full Version)

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Dedas -> Over the top, in blood... (4/1/2002 6:37:18 PM)

I had a fun experience yesterday when I played the scenario "Over the top" by Redleg.
The scenario is about the Abraham Lincoln battalion and their first battle against the nationalist Spaniards. The Lincoln battalion is fresh out of war school, and this is the moment when they are about to be "blooded". And as I click them up from their trenches this February morning (I think it's morning) 1937, they are meet by (to my big surprise)the crack of 50cal Quad AA:s and 75mm pak guns.
My men didn't get blooded that day, they got slaughtered the moment they took the first step out of their trenches. Man, those nationalist Spaniards must have got ahold of some sort of time machine, or the obbs are all wrong. The latter is the most possible I think. Anyone got any idea how I am going to fix it (Redleg, where are you?). Because I REALLY liked that scenario, but now it's unplayable.
It has to be said, those quad 50cal AA:s hurt allot. :D

Goblin -> re: over the top in blood (4/1/2002 9:22:25 PM)

Are you using 7.1? I ask because in earlier versions Italian CTV troops (unit111) fighting for NS had quad .50's an their primary weapon. This was because the Italian OOB weapon list has weapon 181 as Carcano 91 rifle (correctly), and this number was simply inputted into the NS list (where weapon 181 is a Quad .50). There was a similar problem with the Falangist (unit 109 or 110), only they had a 10.5cm howitzer in their LMG spot. 7.1 fixed the problem. You might be able to fix it in the OOB editor if you are not using 7.1(yet!)


Redleg -> (4/2/2002 12:27:19 AM)

Some of my long, hard work developing SCW scenarios was destroyed by OOB changes.

I have updated some of the SCW series but don't believe I have re-done "Over the Top" yet.

If you email me, I will send a couple of re-done (and re-tested) SCW battles featuring the International Brigades.

Redleg -> (4/2/2002 3:36:20 AM)

Actually, I had updated "Over The Top" and never did get around to testing it. So I just played it through and it works fine in V7.1

I will post it at the [URL=http://www.redleg.homestead.com/]Dirty Dozen[/URL] site in a few days.

I also have the battle of Quinto updated.

If you have V7 or 7.1 and want either of these, send an email to
[email]artifice@fireserve.net[/email] and I will send it to you.

Next SCW update will likely be Villanueva De Canada.

Dedas -> (4/2/2002 6:01:36 PM)

Thanks, but the 7.1 patch solved the problem!

Redleg -> (4/3/2002 12:42:57 AM)

Villanueva de Canada is now updated for V7. This battle features the International Brigades. The Slavic Bn, French 9th of February Battalion and others are represented. The Republican side was fortunate to have a number of T26s in this battle.

The Nationalist side is represented by Falange infantry and regular Nationalist infantry entrenched in the town of V. de Canada.

Like the other SCW battles, this will be posted to my site in a few days - if I can get finished testing it.

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