Alexandra -> Lol (4/3/2002 11:30:38 AM)
I crack up at the long winded posts whenever someone writes about wanting help with a core. Why? Because, you're all so long winded when, what you're really saying is 'Buy the elites.' Or in the case of armor 'buy the very best and most expensive' tank. Personally, I like tweaky units, though, currently, in LLR I'm using Rangers. But, it's boring, really, using elites, and I'm thinking of starting over. Maybe using my Polish core again, or French, or a 'UN' mix. Why? Because with base line troops there's more of a challenge - all or mostly elites make it too easy against the AI and too limited against people. Yes, it's fun at first, but it loses that luster quickly, to me at least. My advice for a core force would be very different: 1. Decide how big you want it. 2. Buy units that look neat to you - don't spend hours studying each and every one for the best game advantage, just buy what looks neat. 3. Play the game and not the numbers :) Alex, who's well into week 20.