madgamer2 -> Graphic's...anyone? (7/7/2008 10:52:59 PM)
Like the poster who mentioned Tactics II I go way back when wargames were played with paper maps, unit counters, rules disagreements, and in any game with more than Inf. Art., and Cav. units used NATO icons. I have heard that some of the players state that WbtS is ugly and plain. Many seem to favor some kind of Period graphics (whatever that means)such as what you find in AACW. I have problems with the map in a game like that because after about 2 hours I get a headache. Now period it may be but I find it a total state of confusion as to where I am and where I am going.(A touch of Civil War reality perhaps?) I think the younger "WE want Period graphics" Will win out over the "KISS" crowd (Keep It Simple Stupid) folks but what do you people think. Do graphics you do not like keep you from buying a game. They did me because I had a friend who invited me over to play Panzer General with those awful plane,tank,and Infantry Icons.