Bernie -> Weapon Breakdowns (4/4/2002 9:35:10 AM)
Does anyone know just how the game engine handles weapon breakdowns? Supposedly there's a chance they can be "fixed" during a turn, but I don't think I've ever seen that actually happen yet. I find it hard to believe a unit could have a weapon break so completely as to put it out of commission for more than a two turns. Gun crews are drilled over and over again on how to clear jams and get the weapon back "up" until they can do it in their sleep. (I know, that was one of my duties, training gun crews, back in my Navy days) Sure, you get a "dud" round every now and then, but 99.9% of the time you clear the round and you're ready to rock and roll again in a few seconds. So when, in the game, I see a Tiger lose it's 88, not for just a turn or two, but for the whole scenario, I have to wonder about it. And let's not even get on the subject of a 10 man squad suddenly having all its rifles jam at the same time...and stay jammed. I know it's because the game engine can't deal with a single weapon in a squad jamming, so when it happens it happens to the whole squad, but how about making it a quick repair, taking no more than a single turn?