Editor Question. (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> Commander - Europe at War Gold >> Mods and Scenarios


pad152 -> Editor Question. (7/17/2008 2:00:58 AM)

The scenario file and map file go in the \Commander Europe At War\data\scenario folder, what about the WW2_City_eng.txt file, does it go in the data or scenario folder? The manual is unclear on this!

Is the any special naming for files? If I rename the scenario file do I have to rename any of the other files?

I seem to have an issue, the edited scenario loads, plays the first turn then hangs during the AI phase!

Peter Stauffenberg -> RE: Editor Question. (8/14/2008 9:50:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: pad152
The scenario file and map file go in the \Commander Europe At War\data\scenario folder, what about the WW2_City_eng.txt file, does it go in the data or scenario folder? The manual is unclear on this!

Is the any special naming for files? If I rename the scenario file do I have to rename any of the other files?

I seem to have an issue, the edited scenario loads, plays the first turn then hangs during the AI phase!

ww2_city_eng.txt should go to the data folder. ww2.map and the 1939.scn files should go to the scenario folder.

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