moose1999 -> RE: Realism (7/30/2008 1:04:41 PM)
Well, on the other hand, I'm pretty sure a more simple approach would be a put-off to many players too. The phrasing "much simpler games" actually sounds a bit scary to me, but it'll be interesting to see what you come up with. The argument about longer development time (and generally more trouble) is valid, of course, especially in an economic context. But I still don't much like the thought of more, simpler games from your hands instead of few, but epic ones. This is just my opinion of course - and I don't need to worry about making money or spending all my weekends preparing patches for a nestful of unruly and unreasonable forumites, who have just had their life ruined by a small inconsistency in the return fire tables in the specific case of when a 50% depleted, high-morale, unsupplied unit dug-in in swampy terrain with Richmond muskets and the medical and swampwise attribute shoots it out with a fresh, low-morale, split brigade armed with European muskets and regimental artillery firing from an elevated, slightly flanked position in close proximity of friendly units from the same division and in command of a general with a tactics rating above fair. During night combat. [X(] And yes, I know you can't entrench in swampy terrain... [;)]