Mykal -> RE: NCAA League upload (7/20/2008 5:52:20 PM)
Well first to be able to upload it you will need FTP access which requires software like Filezilla, if you dont have any FTP software on your PC at present you can get it free HERE download the server version. once you have that downloaded and installed (unless you have FTP already) let me know and I'll create you an account and password to access my site (certain parts anyway) to enable you to upload the files you want. after that, I'll just have to give you the address to my FTP server (so you can log in using Filezilla and the account I give you). Once the file(s) are uploaded I can move them around to where ever they need to be Maybe setting up that NCAA Section under your name that I already mentioned to ya' would be a good idea that way you have Simmer NCAA uniforms, stadiums and league file all in on easy place, Simmer's _ _ _ _ _ _ _? It certainly wouldnt be in conflict with me, I only did about 8 NCAA uniforms anyway, which I can simply delete. or you can simply keep it to just the league file if you wish, either way I'm easy.