Strategic Command 2 (Full Version)

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tgb -> Strategic Command 2 (7/24/2008 5:44:57 PM)

Both the game description and sceen shots are very similar. If I already have SC2 and the expansions, why would I want this?

LarryP -> RE: Strategic Command 2 (7/24/2008 5:54:09 PM)



Both the game description and sceen shots are very similar. If I already have SC2 and the expansions, why would I want this?

When I saw the bases on the units I thought the very same thing. Actually SC2 looks better. As far as play goes, will have to wait and read. [;)]

Erik Rutins -> RE: Strategic Command 2 (7/24/2008 7:02:58 PM)

It's not just like SC2, but there are certainly many similarities between games in this WWII grand strategy sub-genre. If anything, this reminds me a bit more of the old Clash of Steel set at a smaller scale.

This is a game we spotted as the first release from a new independent wargame developer and felt we should help to give it the widest possible audience. I don't know if you'll enjoy it more or less than others in the genre, but it's a solid game and the ability to play as few or as many of the major/minor nations as you want in combination is a fun option, as are the historical events.

We kept the price about as low as we could for a full new game release to encourage folks who might already have AWD, CEAW or SC2 to give it a try. If you've got room in your gaming schedule, take a look at this new offering.


- Erik

Phisto -> RE: Strategic Command 2 (7/25/2008 2:07:29 AM)


You've mentioned in a couple of threads that this game is most similar to the classic Clash of Steel. Would you expand on that? Are coordinated assaults modeled? Would it be possible to post a screen shot or two with the NATO-style chits? A friend and I both still enjoy CoS, but we have been looking for a modern game with a similar approach for a while. Thanks!

Barthheart -> RE: Strategic Command 2 (7/25/2008 4:16:01 AM)

Try here, the dev's site:

for more screen shots incl. the "NATO" counters.

Looks cool.... might have to pick it up..... just what I need is another WWII strategic level game.....[:'(]

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