-> RE: Obligitory Initial Impressions Thread (9/5/2008 2:58:52 AM)
To me stacking is not a deal breaker in an otherwise good game, but it would give much improved ability to concentrate forces for attack or defense. Simply the ability to stack two divisions together would be a substantial improvement. Damage could be allocated proportionately to the strength of the units, as is done in some other games. The designers did however state, in another thread, that the manner in which units and hexes are handled by the game engine would make it very difficult to program in stacking, so (unfortunately) it is not something they are able to include in this game. However, the ability of units to move freely through other units, the ability to conduct multihex attacks, and the ability of units to continue moving subsequent to combat (if they have action points left) does allow you to exploit breakthroughs and conduct "blitzkreig" type attacks. This is something that other games (eg. Strategic Command) do not handle as well, so I'm grateful for the increased realism given us in this game.