torpoint -> RE: Patch Issues. (7/24/2010 9:22:59 PM)
You were banned for three months for deleting my games with you, without telling me, after pretty bad posts attacking me as well I believe? You tried to affect my results without having the courtesy to ask me. Best you get your facts right, you say I voluntarily banned myself 5 or 6 times, check with your buddy 'The Hawk', he seems to suggest it was eleven, I'm sure Mike checked the details before making his very comical video about it. I have no idea what transpired at the Blitz, I play for fun, debate out of interest on the Forum. I haven't created a fantasy out of it all, it just seems that, since I've posted here, the only attacks, mickey-taking on the lowest level, have come from the usual trio? Congratulations on your 500 posts Ed, like the games results you removed from my records, it don't count for much when you later get vindictive eh? What do I think the common denominator is? - Clearly it is the terrible trio who team up to slag me of, you in particular,Ed, in a most disgusting manner I have to say. Never, in any of my posts to anybody have I referred to them in the manner you refer to me, you are disgusting in that event. Ah! - The Blitz is a better place without me eh? - that is probably because you are free to hold the reins in any debate and Lord it over everyone else, many of whom have disappeared because of such individuals. As you quoted, ''the Blitz, though moderately quiet of late'' Why's that, cos you chased all the debators away, just so you can be the top star? You keep calling me a turd? I think that says it all about you Ed, all I can add is, I've come outta a lot better arseholes than you buddy![&o] Now, once again, you bring God into it, wow! you probably thinkyour his right hand man as well Ed. Remember, many of us respect God, me included, but I wouldn't bring Him into a discussion on a wargaming site,what a mixed-up man you must be. As for ''go back to my lady and cry my blues to him'' that is a very sexist comment Ed, probably another violation of the rules but, I can assure you that I am very heterosexual and thriving, even at my age, maybe you have a medical syndrome to come out with all the offensive remarks you've made here. Oh, there is so much I could throw at you Ed,but maybe people will see the difference between people who resort to gobshite and those who can debate in a grown-up manner?