To op-fire or not to? (Full Version)

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Wolverine -> To op-fire or not to? (10/4/2000 8:44:00 PM)

I'd really like to have this feature: When you have chance to use op-fire, you would see if you are seen before you shoot. It's annoying when you try to hide and then comes the enemy and you can use op-fire, but you don't know if enemy sees you or not. So, you think it doesn't see you and you don't use op-fire. You were wrong and the enemy shoots you dead. Let me give an example: I was trying to go through little forest hidden and then came an enemy panther to top of the hill before me. I had chance to op-fire, but I thought it doesn't see me, so I didn't shoot. I was wrong and panther shot my tank, destroying it. I hope you got it. Sorry my bad English.

Larry Holt -> (10/4/2000 8:53:00 PM)

Well in real life it would be nice to know if you are spotted also but you don't. This is just some of the uncertainty of real combat that the game accurately models. ------------------ An old soldier but not yet a faded one. OK, maybe just a bit faded.

Colonel Klink -> (10/4/2000 9:00:00 PM)

i'm wondering if shot%'s are showing up for ver 4.1 or 4.2 haven't installed yet, waiting for my current battle to end. if not.. no big deal [img][/img]

Wolverine -> (10/4/2000 9:02:00 PM)

Well, when it's your turn you can tell which units are seen by enemies because there's that * symbol in their names. So that's realistic then?? And let's think this in real life.. Ok, you are trying to hide from that panther at the top of the hill. Well I think you could say it has seen you when it's turret starts turn to you. Right?

Fredde -> (10/4/2000 9:13:00 PM)

Umm, I believe that * next to the unit also is there when you try to opfire with it, at least that happens with my copy of the game [img][/img] . So you do actually know if you are seen or not when you get the option to opfire with it (which one can argue if it's realistic or not, probably the enemy will make some kind of reaction if they spot enemies close by and not just continue unbothered with their duties.. and based on their reaction you can figure out if you're spotted or not). Nope Colonel Klink, still no percentage values!

Wolverine -> (10/4/2000 9:18:00 PM)

Thanks Fredde! I'm not actually a 100% that there isn't * symbol when op-firing and you are seen. I must look more carefully. Where is it? I haven't seen it. Could some Matrix guy clear this thing? One more strange thing: Why can't you see your hit-% when confirming op-fire?

Wolverine -> (10/4/2000 9:23:00 PM)

I mean in real life, surely you know roughly how well you can hit. Or should we all know so much about war so that we must self calculate the hit-% by looking the range, by thinking what gun we are using, how fast the enemy is moving?? I think not, so please add hit-% to op-fire confirming. (If it isn't there somewhere and I haven't seen it..)

Fuerte -> (10/4/2000 11:51:00 PM)

The hit probability has been suggested before, among other things.

Charles22 -> (10/5/2000 12:34:00 AM)

The * definitely tells you whether the unit is spotted or not, prior to anything further done, and yes it does work correctly during op fire (you'll find numerous units with it on and off). The * only tells you present spotting of that unit, and not whether another round fired or hex moved will change it to being spotted if unspotted before.

Wolverine -> (10/5/2000 12:43:00 AM)

Roger That!

Rhone -> (10/6/2000 1:11:00 AM)

I generally use op fire like this. AP vs. Armour at close range and HE vs. Soft at close range. If I shoot a .50 cal at a PzIV 20 hexes away, I will assume I am wasting ammunition.

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