Voriax -> (10/5/2000 12:15:00 AM)
A number of new unit types was introduced in 4.1. This has caused situations where some new types have no formations. For example that Maus is now classed 'Super heavy tank' so it will not appear in any other kind of formations.
When you find cases where some unit is unavailable please compile a list and post it at the 4.1 oob bug thread, thus it might eventually be fixed [img]http://www.matrixgames.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
Abramsgunner, when I start a random battle in sept. 39 those Pz-IIIe's are available.
It may be possible that the upgrade code now does not allow change from armoured car to med tank. Did you have any other tanks, and if you did were you able to change them to Pz-III's?
blackbird, the +10 units are elite units. Other countries also have them, there is also second line -10 troops. As the pricing in oob's are based (roughly) based on firepower and not experience you see them priced same.
Also, did you have true troop cost option on or off?
OOB-Wan Kenobi