NAIFU thread (Full Version)

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grandmarquis84 -> NAIFU thread (7/31/2008 6:48:35 AM)

Today the North American Indoor Football League made an announcement, from their Chicago headquarters, that will rock the indoor football world. Originally the league was going to play it's inaugural season with six teams but today released information that two more teams are going to join the Union.

The NAIFU will consist of the Great Lakes Division and the Coastal Division. Also the season will start with exhibition games all around the continent which will be available for viewing at .

Detroit Racers vs. Burlington Skyhawks @ the Bell Centre in Montreal

Jacksonville Tribe vs. Pensacola Aviators @ Jose Miguel Agrelot Coliseum in San Juan Puerto Rico

Racine Rhinos vs Kenosha Barons @ Rockford MetroCentre in Rockford, Illinois

Seattle Invaders vs Keyes Tornados @ Palacio de los Deportes in Mexico City

And the NAIFU will end it's inaugural season with Union Bowl I played at Miller Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin.

Marauders -> RE: NAIFU thread (7/31/2008 5:00:01 PM)

North American Indoor Football Union

Is this a multi-owner league?

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (7/31/2008 6:27:06 PM)

Yes it is.

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (8/2/2008 10:57:20 PM)

Chicago (AP)- Today the offices of the NAIFU experienced a whirlwind of activity on the eve of their opening exhibition games. Today league officials learned that the Seattle Invaders lease with Key Arena fell through and that local investors have now balked at the high costs of transporting a team across the country for five away games.
In a move to keep the franchise stable minority owner Frank Walker bought out the other minority shares of the team and has moved them to Columbus, OH. Because of the rush of the move the only arena the team could secure for this season is the Ohio Expo Center on the State Fair Grounds. This year the Ohio franchise will play in front of 7,000 seat arena.
When asked how this would affect the team during the exhibition head coach Bill Lazor said, "This is the same team and we will play the same game, just with different uniforms."
When asked for more details the league referred all questions to two a websites and the official league site .

UPDATE: The NAIFU offices have also confirmed that the league will have six playoff teams, three from each division, and that the seeding will be like that of the CFL in that it will be possible for a team to "crossover". If the fourth place team has a better record than the third place team in the other division than that fourth place team will play in the other conference for the playoffs.

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (8/11/2008 6:26:23 AM)

The first two exhibition games are done and are available to watch at  Feel free to watch the games and enjoy.  Future games will be of a higher quality and I have an issue to work out with the time between plays. 
The scores and stats will post on Wednesday so I won't spoil the outcome if you glance over the whole board till then.

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (8/13/2008 6:14:37 AM)

Trying something different and seeing if it works better. I have highlights of the last two exhibition games and the stats for all four games available at the website (again, I'm having some trouble with quality and screen capture, but it will get better).

Highlights here
Stats Here

The best part about this is that the new season begins this weekend!

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (8/15/2008 2:28:36 PM)

Preseason Power Rankings:
After the preseason games, head over to to check out the highlights, this is where the teams stand in our power rankings conducted by indoor writers for the Associated Press Club:
Power Rankings (Preseason) 1. Racine Rhinos- Win could be a prelude to an exciting season in the Great Lakes Division2. Pensacola Aviators- Big win leads to dreams of the Union Bowl in West Florida3. Ohio Sentries- Close win is selling Columbus on this gutsy, but uncertain, team4. Detroit Racers- Defensive powerhouse or beneficiary of a weak opponent?5. Kenosha Barons- Tough team that will be competative all year6. Keyes Tornados- Solid preseason performance is a foundation for this franchise to build on7. Burlington Skyhawks- The defense looks good and needs to carry this team till the offense clicks8. Jacksonville Tribe- The season is young and they have time to turn it around

Week 1 will be finished soon.

garysorrell -> RE: NAIFU thread (8/16/2008 1:09:56 AM)

Frank, what playbooks are you using? Those passing stats dont look like what im seeing in my WWFL, and I use 5 min qtrs.

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (8/16/2008 5:04:29 AM)

I'm using the MIL2 one that you sent me, if there is a better way to set it up please let me know.  I agree the passing stats are really bad

garysorrell -> RE: NAIFU thread (8/16/2008 1:08:28 PM)

Well, I do run the WWFL on a 100yd field, so that could be why im seeing a bit better stats. I set the mil2 playbook up so that it has only 2 offensive formations. And the defenses are all made to counter those two formations.

I think the M2M in maxfb is a bit too strong, especially Man Under.

Did the NAIFU plan to allow team owners to use their own playbooks? As soon as guys start using their own playbooks, they will likely start beating the Mil2 book. It could just be that the MIL2 is weighted too well against itself.

garysorrell -> RE: NAIFU thread (8/16/2008 2:07:01 PM)

I just ran a test game with my WWFL. Indoor field, MIL2 playbook.

I lowered all DBs Catch/Hands/Coverage by 5 pts. It honestly didnt seem to make too much of a difference. Not sure if adjusting ratings is the way to go.

What I did notice is the playbook probably isnt the best for the 50yd field. My MIL2 playbook was mainly designed for the CFL field. I noticed a lot of incomplete passes were on sideline and corner routes. The pass plays were all mostly designed to grab big chunks of yards. The receivers need the big field to get a little distance or separation from the DBs. Probably why my completion % is a bit better on the WWFLs big 100yd field.
On the 50yd field, they basically just run out of room on any play to the sideline.

I'm not sure what the NAIFU plans were for playbooks, but I would suggest before we start gameplay, we let the owners submit their own playbooks, or at least put together some better suited to the 50yd field.

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (8/21/2008 7:23:47 AM)

Looking at how things are shaping up I probably won't get the first round of games out and finished until the first week of September. We do have the league playbook and a program to record the games. Anyone let me know if you have any concerns or questions

VCFL Commish -> RE: NAIFU thread (9/8/2008 11:06:02 PM)

NAIFU whats up are you guys on break?

Brodie -> RE: NAIFU thread (9/9/2008 9:31:46 PM)

Is there something wrong with the indoor setting indoor leagues don`t seem to last?

garysorrell -> RE: NAIFU thread (9/10/2008 12:08:30 AM)

I think the reset at version 2.0 had an affect, and the leagues may have been too big.

I think the new update should allow people to get the ball rolling on the existing leagues, and we may see a few new ones start.

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (9/11/2008 7:29:34 PM)

I had a major computer issue.  It crashed and I can't get it to even start.  The plan is to take care of it today. This is probably a blessing in disguise because now I can use the updated version of the game.  I thought I was clear in my earlier postings but if not I apologize.

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (9/21/2008 2:56:57 AM)

Update:  I have my PC up and running but I am waiting on help from the Maximum-Football support because I can't find a copy of version two to install and the game will not accept my registration code because it is being installed on a new computer.  I am also working on getting all of the art files back.

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (10/6/2008 4:38:12 AM)

Week 1 results are in.  For one of the games I mistakenly destroyed the video so I will post it's results now (it wasn't a very exciting game but sorry anyway).  The completion percentages are pretty low so if anyone has an idea of how to improve those let me know because we can tweak and change things through the season.

Video of the other three games is available at

I'll post the rest of the results on Wednesday for anyone who doesn't want to watch the videos.

Pensacola Aviators        24   13   24   10   00   71   
Jacksonville Tribe        07   00   16   06   00   29   

                   PEN            JAX
1st Downs           5              5
Rushing             140            151
Passing             70             55
Net Yards           210            206
Penalties           0/00           3/05
Total Plays         33             33

Att/Yds           9/140          9/151
Avg Gain          15.6           16.8
Fumbles/Lost      01/00          00/00

Comp/Att/INT      7/24/1         6/23/4
Yards             70             55
Avg Gain          10.0           9.2
Avg Per Att       2.9            2.4
Sacks Against     0              1

Punts             0/00           0/00
Field Goals       5 of 6         1 of 5

POSSESSION          14:09          13:51

Brodie -> RE: NAIFU thread (10/6/2008 3:14:48 PM)

Like the videos real cool.How do you do that?

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (10/7/2008 5:11:23 AM)

Also I relaunched the Union Website.  Please visit

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (10/8/2008 4:44:37 AM)

Gary, what would you think about accepting individual playbooks for the league and profiles on a week to week basis?

garysorrell -> RE: NAIFU thread (10/8/2008 9:17:01 AM)

Thats the way to go, in my opinion. People would send a playbook and a remote out file on a weekly basis.

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (10/11/2008 2:11:13 PM)

Week 2 Videos are up at  Just click on the game you want to watch and you will go to google video so you can view it in full screen

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (10/14/2008 4:52:31 AM)

Week 2 stats are up at .  Just click on the link for the league news site.

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (10/23/2008 8:02:20 PM)

Week 3 videos, stats and standings are at the website. Also stay tuned for exciting information concerning the NAIFU's Face of the League contest.

grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (11/4/2008 5:08:56 AM)

Videos of week 4 games are available at the website.

therhino -> RE: NAIFU thread (11/4/2008 5:21:49 AM)

Nice win by the Rhinos hopefully we can play like that for the rest of the season.

MSO94 -> RE: NAIFU thread (11/5/2008 2:48:20 PM)

A new league for the Speed and a much better season so far.


grandmarquis84 -> RE: NAIFU thread (11/12/2008 3:34:32 PM)

Week 5 games are posted and stats and standings have been updated.

MSO94 -> RE: NAIFU thread (12/15/2008 3:47:02 AM)

What happened to the league

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