EdinHouston -> More questions (8/17/2008 6:22:58 PM)
Maybe these questions are answered in other threads, but I dont recall seeing them. 1) Apparently cavalry can move into forest hexes in addition to clear hexes when stacked with infantry without requiring an offensive, although the manual says only clear hexes. Is this a change since the manual was written, or is it a glitch in the game? Can cavalry do anything else thats not in the manual (enter marsh hexes? para-drop into enemy cities? ;) ) 2) How can France send resources or food to Britain. Apparently sending transports out on Shipping missions to the North Atlantic (from Toulon) doesnt do the trick, nor does leaving the transports in port. Does it matter if the transports are based in an Atlantic/North Sea port rather than Toulon? And if the answer is that they need to be based in a North Atlantic/North Sea port, do they need to do a Shipping mission or does the ability to transfer resources happen automatically?