haruntaiwan -> Tips & Tricks (8/22/2008 3:39:38 AM)
These may not be news to anyone, but here are some small tips and tricks I have picked up. CORPS Units in Corps do better as they get the Corps damage bonus and come in faster as reinforcements. So, build corps for your armies. I used to neglect this. I find the key leadership skills for corps commanders should be initiative and tactics. The one affects overall initiative and the other affect the damage bonus. A corps general with excellent tactics is worth way more than Target Practice I. SPLITTING UNITS At the end of a battle in DC, if a unit is above 2,000 men, move them to surround the enemy and if there is enough movement points, split them. Sometimes you can even get lucky and have the split unit end up covering two of the six hexes you need. Two for the price of one! ENTRENCHING Supply wagons can entrench too, if you have the Hasty Entrenchment tech. Use the wagons to entrench the two sides of the hex and then move the fresh fighting unit in to defend. A fatigued caisson is a little slow, but doesn't affect the battle much. BEST TECHS Invalid Corps - 33% more reinforcements! Must have for the South. Hasty Entrenchment - this really helps on the defense. Even if the units become fatigued, they rest up pretty quickly. Line Marching (because getting in your "fresh" volleys at the enemy when they are still in column is a great way to win, too.)