AAR Reconnaissance to Radziechow I promised here it is. (Full Version)

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Gary Tatro -> AAR Reconnaissance to Radziechow I promised here it is. (4/10/2002 9:35:09 AM)

Reconnaissance To Radziechow

Hautemann Vebber you are commanded to take your company and proceed to Radziechow. You will meet up with the 11th Panzer division, take the town, then proceed to the high ground and secure it for the artillery that will follow you.

“Well Wirth here we go, are the men ready?”
“They are, commander,” replied Wirth with a grim smile.
“Ok then lets move out. The plan is to take the town as quickly as possible and set up the infantry with strong defensive parameters. Take two of the infantry platoons and all the armor except for one platoon to do this. We also want to take the center victory hexes with the SdKfz’s as quickly as possible and then retreat them back into the town. We will use the center as bait for any counter attack from the enemy, though Command does not expect one. We have requested additional Stuka support but I doubt we will be given it since Command does not believe resistance will be heavy. I also want you to take the last infantry platoon and all the infantry guns, flak guns and all the ATG’s along with one division of PzKpfw IIc’s and the Stug’s coming in as reinforcements down south and secure our right flank.”
“But sir won’t this leave our center nearly defenseless.”
“Yes Wirth, it will but it will create a vicious cross fire for anyone trying to run the gauntlet.”
Wirth smiled to himself, he was lucky to have such a skillful commander as Vebber.

Turn 1
“Wirth to Vebber, commander we have entered the town have run into light resistance and have eliminated one SO Rifle squad. I guess Command was right. Also our SdKfz’s report they should be able to take the center victory hex’s in a few more minutes.

Turn 2
“Wirth to Vebber, we have spotted some a BA-20 crossing the river, we were surprised by a SO Rifle squad hidden in one of the building and have taken some casualties but we rooted them out and finished them off. Also we have come in contact with a machine gun team and a few more SO Rifle squads in the town. We are dealing with them as we speak. I would like to call in the 8cm Mortar support on there positions. We have also taken the furthest town victory hex with one of the armored cars. We should be able to take the last two building hex’s in a few minutes.”
“Vebber to Wirth, the 8cm’s are set up, we are along side of the road where that SO Rifle squad tried to ambush our men, I am going to move into the building just south of there, what positions would you like for bombardment. Vebber out”

Turn 3
“Lieutenant Musser to Vebber, the Stug’s just arrived and are moving south to support your right flank.”
“Wirth to Vebber, Captain we have just made contact with a number of Soviet tanks moving up through the center! It looks like a platoon of BA-20’s, 2 platoons of T-28’s and one platoon of Bt-2’s! Also there is a platoon of BA-20’s and a platoon of BT-2’s moving towards the town at high speeds in the North!”
“Calm down Wirth the 15th Panzer Regiment should be able to easily deal with this small tank force without much problem. Move the all the PzKpfw-Iic’s, IIIe’s, IVd’s to map grids 38,24 and 41,23 and hide behind the hills. Stack as many of the tanks into these coordinates as will fit. Also move the two platoons of PzKpfw-IIIh’s through the town and set up an ambush for our friends that want to move into it so quickly. Have you taken the last two victory hex’s in the town?”
“Yes Captain and we are moving the rest of the infantry into houses near the front of the town to welcome our friends. Also we lost a scout team near the rear end of the town to a SO Rifle squad that ambushed them, we were able to eliminate the squad afterwards but the recon team was destroyed.”
“Wirth these losses are acceptable, we need to deal with that tank division right now.”
Acceptable to you thought Wirth, what about those men’s wives and children, “Ah Captain some of the men are reporting seeing some very large tanks! Also they say they are seeing a new medium tank that is very fast. I am going to take a look I will let you know what I can see in a minute, Wirth out”

Turn 4
“Captain, Captain, come in Captain are you there?”
“I am here Wirth, it seems that SO Rifle squad that ambushed our scouts also called in artillery on our position. It is lucky that we had moved into the building or we would have been toast, the 8cm Mortars did not fair so well. They are about ready to route. I will have to rally them again before they are of any use.”
“Captain we have moved a group of scouts into the wooden building at map grid 40,51 the one in the center farthest to the front. He is reporting seeing 26 tanks 10 of them are the medium sized fast ones with armor that ratings of Rear hull 45, sides 50/50, Front hull 57; turret 52, 62/62, 69, also a platoon of KV-2’s in the center.” Up North I can see 8 more tanks there is a platoon of KV-1’s among them, that is a total of 34 tanks in all.”
“Wirth, that is impossible, no one has tanks like that. There are no known tanks that has armor like that and can move that fast! Are you sure?”
“Yes Captain, I am looking at them through my own spy glasses now. What do you recommend?”
“Wirth we cannot penetrate armor like that at range with anything except the IIIh’s APCR how much of that ammo do they have?”
“Not much Captain, 2 maybe 3 shots at most for each tank.”
“Ok Wirth this is what I want you to do, we have to play hide and seek with them and lure them into the town, I want you to pop up from behind the hills and fire on the support tanks, and then retreat behind the hills again, make sure you do not run out of movement or you will be left out in the open against those monsters. Use the IVd’s first because they have the heaviest armor. Also I am pulling a platoon of the IIIh’s down from the North for support. Report to me every few minutes. I am going to call Headquarters for additional support. Vebber out.”
“Wirth to Vebber, we did what you told us we managed to destroy 6 armored cars 3 to the north, 3 to the south, we also destroyed a T-28 and a BT-2 tank. Terrible news though one of or IIIh’s rounds tumble in the gun barrel and the main gun is now useless, other than that we took no losses.”
“Ahh, bad news about the IIIh, but Excellent job Wirth, I have requested additional support in the form of a platoon of 88’s and an Section of Ammo Trucks but Command in their infinite wisdom does not believe my reports also they have repositioned the air support requested to a different company. I am going to call for smoke to be dropped into the center when the artillery platoons show up. This should allow you to get close enough to destroy those tanks, good luck my friend.”

Turn 5
“Wirth to Vebber get the hell out of there they are pounding your position with artillery.”
“Vebber to Wirth we are ok, what is happening up there?”
“We have been very successful up North our infantry were able to infiltrate and assault three BT-2 M33’s and destroy them. Also we were able to destroy 2 KV-1’s and 2 BA-20 Armored cars with the platoon of IIIh’s. We then threw up a wall of smoke and trucked in two sections of infantry to support them. In the middle we were not so lucky. We did as you said and popped up from behind the hills and fired we managed to destroy 2 more T-28’s and a BT-2 M33, but our shots just bounced off the hulls and turrets of the T-26 M33’s we did manage to wreck the tracks of three of them but nothing else, we have used up all of our APCR shot from the both platoons of IIIh’s. We have not lost any units and we have thrown up a wall of smoke but we are sitting ducks if the come up and engage in close quarters.” Our scout counts 10 T-26-M33’s, 3 KV-1’s, 2 KV-2’s, 5 T-28’s, 4 BT-2M33, and a BT-7A in the center and 2 T-28’s, 2 KV-2’s, a KV-1, a BT-2M33 in the North. Wirth out”
“Take it easy Wirth, you are doing great. I have ordered the artillery to drop smoke in the center. This should allow you to engage at closer range try to get within 100 meters, you should be able to penetrate then there armor then. Good luck, Vebber out.”

Turn 6
“Wirth report”
“We are in trouble Captain. We have managed to kill 1 BA-20 and another KV-1 up North but my whole platoon of IIIh’s is surrounded by 2 KV-1’s and 2 T-28 M40’s I mean literally in the middle of them. The whole platoon is right next to one of the KV-1’s and if it does not retreat we are done for. Also the infantry has retreated under there attack. We lost an SdKfz 250/9 Armored car up North.
In the Center we did not do much better, we did manage to kill 3 BT-2 M33’s but again our shots bounced off the T-26 M33’s and we lost a PzKpfw IVd and a PzKpfw IIIe in the process. Down South one of the Stug’s failed is discipline check and charged out into the center of the field, it was shot but its armor held and the crew rallied afterwards and popped smoke.”
“Wirth have you engaged the T26 M33’s at 100 meters yet?”
“No Captain, we were trying to and that is how we lost the two tanks, we fell back after that.”
“**** it Wirth you have to engage those tanks! I have ordered more smoke to your location. This should allow you some maneuverability, try to bait those B-26 M33’s and get them to move into the town. We need to take those tanks out.”

Turn 7
“Wirth to Vebber, it worked Captain, two platoons of the B-26 M33’s came into the town through the smoke and we were able to flank them on multiple sides. We only managed to destroyed 3 of them but we have rung the door bells of 4 others we will see if they bail out, retreat, or destroy us in a minute. We were tremendously successful up North also, one of the KV-2’s bailed and we were able to get a rear shot at point bank on the other one and destroyed both of them, we also took out 2 T-28’s, a BT-2 M33 2 SO Rifle squads and 6 tank crews. But we have lost our center and a platoon of KV-1’s and KV-2’s have just appeared from the South.”
“What was that Wirth, two more platoons of heavy tanks from the South? OK, ok this is what I want you to do, leave the tanks in the South to the forces holding the right flank. You concentrate all firepower on taking out those B-26 M33’s and then come in from behind the tanks in the center. Leave the infantry in the North in the town and use the armored cars and SdKfz’s to try to take the victory hexes on the hills and FIND THAT SO ARTILARY. They called a strike on there own position a minute ago and unfortunately we were in the midst of them. Vebber out”

Turn 8
“Wirth to Vebber, it is working Captain, we destroyed 5 more T-26 M33’s from flanking and rear shots over the last few minutes in the center near the town. We baited them and they fell into the trap, now we will move out into the center and come in from behind. We are mopping up the North and have eliminated a Platoon of SO Rifle infantry 2 more crews and another T-28, the battle is starting to take its toll, we lost one of our PzKpfw IIIh’s that was stranded and out of smoke and was destroyed along with another PzKpfw IIIe that was trying to get back shots on the center tanks. We are still getting reports of new tanks arriving in the south this has me worried. Most of the tanks in the North and center are almost out of AP ammunition and many have had their skirts damaged.”
“Wirth, you let me worry about those tanks in the South, I am plotting artillery to land in front of you this turn on those T-26 M33’s that you disabled earlier to suppress them. Get in there and finish them off after the bombardment is over, Vebber out.”

Turn 9
“Wirth to Vebber, we have lost the center victory hex’s in our backfield!”
“Wirth you let me and my Southern flank do our jobs and you do yours. We just took out 3 BT-7’s one T-28 M40. We also blew the tracks off a KV-1M39 with one of our 7.5cm lelG18’s. We will take the victory hex back you sit tight and clear out that center. Lieutenant Musser out”
“Vebber to Wirth, you heard the Lieutenant, report”
“Yes Captain, we have been maneuvering into position and traveling at fast speeds to overtake the enemy we have not lost any men but have not done much damage we did destroy one T-28 and are engaging the last of the T-26 M33’s and another KV-1. The Northern group is maneuvering and trying to catch up with us and have split into three groups a platoon of infantry is guarding the town, the platoon of IIIh’s is traveling to catch up with us and a platoon of the infantry is traveling with them, I have the stronger platoon traveling with the IIIh’s but it is still only at 60% the one guarding the town is at about 50%. The tanks are almost out of AP Ammo. The armored cars and SdKfz’s are flanking south and engaging the SO infantry squads defending the hill we should be able to take the hill in about five minutes if we do not run into heavy resistance. Wirth out.”

Turn 10
“Captain great news, the armored cars have surprised the SO HQ and have destroyed it. They have also rooted out a 7.62 Maxim HMG and a SO PtrdATR and eliminated them.
In the center 2 of the crews of the T-26 M33 bailed and we over ran them we were also able to flank and surround two more KV-2’s and destroy them and the last T-26 M33. We purged the battlefield of 4 tanks crews and a whole Platoon of SO Rifle infantry, one BT-7m and 2 T-28’s. We also managed to retake the two victory hexes in the center just south of the town. But we lost a PzKpfw IIc that we used as bait to get close to the KV-2’s.
In the south a squad of our infantry jumped out of cover and successfully assaulted a KV-1 that got to close. This was of course after we suppressed the KV-1 with rounds from an 3.7 CM PaK 36 ATG, a 2cm Flak 38, and a 7.5 cm lelG18. Wirth out.”
“Great work Wirth, continue to try and isolate those heavy tanks. I will continue to call in smoke and artillery on the ones that are disabled.”

Turn 11
“Captain did you see that? One of the 10.5cm FH that was guarding the center in the rear direct fired and had a miraculous shot and destroyed a KV-1 M39 at 400 meters!”
“What was that Wirth, the 10.5cm FH penetrated the KV-1’s armor, but that is not suppose to be possible. Wait that gives me an idea, Musser have the SdKfz-6 pick up all the 10.5cm FH’s and place them on the hilltop and then have the trucks retreat behind the hill.”
“But Captain the danger to the artillery.”
“Just do it Lieutenant we need to hold the center and there is only 1 KV-1 and 2 T-28’s there if we can take them out we will have won the day. Wirth report”
“Captain we have isolated another KV-2 and destroyed it we also managed to destroy another BT-7m. The Soviets look like the fight has gone out of them since we destroyed their HQ, we managed to clean up another tank crew and we have taken the middle set of victory hex’s in the backfield with the armored cars and SdKfz 250/1 HT’s. We are continuing to menuver but are having trouble catching up to the SO lead tanks also sir all of our tank are out of smoke and APCR rounds and 10 % are out of AP rounds the rest are running low.”
“I understand your position Wirth, this is an order, use the tanks that have no APCR or AP rounds as bait. Run them up to the SO heavy tanks to get them to fire on them then flank the SO heavy’s with the tanks that still have AP ammo, I am going to order the right flank to come out of cover and engage the last of the tanks, and call in artillery on the rest of the SO heavy tanks, Vebber out!”

Turn 12
“Wirth to Vebber we have taken all but one of the victory hex’s, the armored car group destroyed 2 more 7.62 Maxim HMG’s, a SO Ptrd ATR, and 2 50mm Mortar squads. In the center we did what you told us and were very successful, I think the artillery suppressed the SO heavy tanks a lot. We took out two more KV-2’s and a crew of a KV-1 panicked and jumped out and was overrun. In our backfield the 10.5cm FH’s destroyed 2 T-28’s and the last KV-1 retreated and we have retaken all of the rear victory hexes. We lost an Opel Blitz in the South, we are moving the trucks up to give the infantry on our right flanks more maneuverability. Wirth out”
“Superb work Wirth you are truly a master at your craft.”

Turn 13
“Sir the Soviets have retaken one of the one of the victory hexes near the armored car group. We are dealing with them. Wait, I am getting a report now. We have eliminated one more 7.62 Maxim HMG, a SO Ptrd ATR and another squad of SO Riflemen and taken all of the forward victory hexes. Group center and right flank has destroyed 2 KV-1 M39’s, 4 crews and a squad of SO Riflemen. The KV-1 that retreated last turn the crew panicked and jumped out and we overran them. We have retaken all of the victory hexes. Wirth out.”

Turn 14
Battle ends. Player Score: 1360
Computer Score: 118
Decisive Victory

“Excellent, Wirth you have won a great victory today.”
“No Captain you have taught me many lessons today your tactics were superb and your use of the 10.5cm FH’s won the day.”

Paul Vebber -> OOPS, did i close this by mistake?? (4/10/2002 10:03:31 PM)

My bust! Sorry! EXCELLENT WORK!!!

Supervisor -> (4/10/2002 10:06:04 PM)

No Paul, I closed it as per the creator and moved it. He was going open up a second thread for comments.

Supervisor -> Bump (7/25/2002 12:59:55 AM)

A bump for Gary.

RockinHarry -> Great AAR (7/26/2002 12:20:34 AM)

A jewel of an AAR! Hope to see more of this! :)


armchairgeneral -> Yet again.. (7/26/2002 3:54:28 AM)

Fantastic stuff Gary. Let's have more when you feel up to it.


MrPlow -> Cool! (8/5/2002 8:48:55 PM)

Wish my 105's had been so effective.

Gary Tatro -> I really should do some new work! (10/11/2002 7:51:03 PM)

A Shameless bump.

rbrunsman -> (10/12/2002 3:51:55 AM)

Gary, great work. When are we going to see some AARs for further on in the MC? How about the approaches to Kiev? (Shameless plug for the area I'm in now.)

tmac -> RE: AAR Reconnaissance to Radziechow I promised here it is. (6/25/2004 6:19:54 AM)


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