Surrender?!? (Full Version)

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reaper2100 -> Surrender?!? (10/7/2000 2:47:00 AM)

I had a German 251/1 overrun a concealed Russian ATR. The ATR successfully disabled the 251 and caused the Pioneer squad to bailout. The Squad was unable to return fire so another Pioneer squad closed with and assaulted the Russian ATR. When the second squad attacked the ATR with a satchel charge, the first squad surrendered! (I think that with help on the way I would be less likely to surrender.)

RobertMc -> (10/7/2000 3:01:00 AM)

I may be wrong about this, but I think the "surrender" thing is incorrect. I think this message should be "HAS BROKEN", which covers a multitude of possibilities (among them, an actual surrender, but also running for one's life). A squad wouldn't surrender to an aircraft attack, for instance, but it might break and scatter. In the case you're pointing to, the sheer violence of the close proximity explosion may have caused the remaining squad members to "break", but the "surrender" message comes up to make you think there's been an actual surrender. This thing has been in SP since Day One and is, in my opinion, incorrect to keep at this point.

reaper2100 -> (10/7/2000 3:08:00 AM)

I figured that the code determined that the Engineer unit had taken suppression and 'surrendered' to the enemy unit in the hex. I doubt that the code takes into effect the cause of the suppression, or that the suppression was caused by friendy fire. But the unit did surrender. It was still at 9 strength when this happened. It also had about 99 suppression. The key point is to be careful when lobbing shots into a hex with friendlies that are on the edge. [This message has been edited by reaper2100 (edited October 06, 2000).]

RobertMc -> (10/7/2000 3:08:00 AM)

One other thought: I'd also consider "breaking" to mean being so stunned that a man (or the remnants of a squad) can't continue to fight during the remaining length of the scenario, which I think sums up what happened to the pioneers. (To be more pragmatic, some screwy things happen during one-hex combat in Steel Panthers. Always has and probably always will).

reaper2100 -> (10/7/2000 3:14:00 AM)

Yes, but usually a unit would 'disperse', and only after having come under heavy pressure and taking lots of casualties. I think it would be nice to be able to reconstitute units from the dispersed soldiers. There are many examples of Officers and NCO's saving the day with units build out of shattered formations.

RobertMc -> (10/7/2000 3:24:00 AM)

This would be nice, but I think it's beyond the scope of what the game's code can do. The Matrix guys have worked miracles on SP, and made it truly great but there are some holdovers from the "old game"--namely this surrender thing and the eccentricities of one-hex combat--that I don't think they can do anything about. But: they *could* change the message in the .exe file to read "HAS BROKEN !!!" instead of "HAS SURRENDERED!" [img][/img]

BA Evans -> (10/11/2000 12:48:00 AM)

Does it really matter what the message says? The important thing is that the squad will no longer participate in the battle. Normally squads that are near full strength won't surrender, disperse, etc. It must have been because they occupied the same hex as the enemy. BA Evans

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