Lost Leaders fixer program - Now available (Full Version)

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Anthony_MatrixForum -> Lost Leaders fixer program - Now available (4/11/2002 8:16:14 AM)

Hi all

the Lost Leader program is now available to all, thanks to Fabio and his great website....

It can be found with the other campaign updates, in the second 'box' - it is listed as "CampFixer for MCDF"

[URL=http://www.fprado.com/armorsite/spwaw_downloads.htm]Armor Site Download page[/URL]

Also - I have found the info for leader ranks and am working on a new version....

Feel free to report any bugs

John David -> OK Anthony! (4/11/2002 9:18:20 AM)

Thanks Anthony,

I have been sending your program via email over the last week to many SPWAW players around the globe:D . I'm glad that everyone know can get it when ever it is convienient for them.

I look forward to your next version:cool:


kshinner -> (4/11/2002 10:27:11 PM)

I'd just like to post a formal thanks to Anthony for saving MCNA for me. I'd played maybe 15 scenarios into it and while it was great, the lost leaders thing was really taking the fun out of it for me. Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Clusters, and Chocolate Frosting, Anthony. You da man!

Eddie -> (4/12/2002 4:16:03 PM)

I agree,

thanks to Anthony & David my MCNA experience keeps going on :)

I was terrified thinking that I had to start it over after 12 battles.

I will start it again to take different choices ;),
but I would like to finish my actual campaign.


John David -> Thats why MC's Rock! (4/13/2002 9:09:06 AM)


You mention that you will start the campaign again once you complete the one you are playing.

I think that is what makes MC's so much fun besides the gameplay. The replayability of the MC's is inherint just by the way your choices during the campaign allows you to go differnt ways each time you play it.

As you can tell, I'm a HUGE fan of the MC's:D


Eddie -> (4/13/2002 5:49:18 PM)


I can understand it, as MCLV is waiting on my table for my new hard drive to arrive :D


Jeff_Ewing -> (4/15/2002 10:44:38 PM)

So, here's an interesting effect of the CampFixer: I've been playing MCNA with it, and I find that my platoons are often commanded by the 1 or 2 unit. I believe what's happening is that since the fixed leaders have no rank as far as the program is concerned (I've simply renamed them, for example, "Sgt. [name]"), the unfixed leader "outranks" them and is promoted by SPWAW, while the rankless leaders are not promoted. Anthony, did you say you know the offset of the ranks? If so it's time to get the old hex editor cranking.


john g -> (4/16/2002 2:26:32 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jeff_Ewing
[B]So, here's an interesting effect of the CampFixer: I've been playing MCNA with it, and I find that my platoons are often commanded by the 1 or 2 unit. I believe what's happening is that since the fixed leaders have no rank as far as the program is concerned (I've simply renamed them, for example, "Sgt. [name]"), the unfixed leader "outranks" them and is promoted by SPWAW, while the rankless leaders are not promoted. Anthony, did you say you know the offset of the ranks? If so it's time to get the old hex editor cranking.

Jeff [/B][/QUOTE]

If I'm not mistaken when a ?0 dies, the computer will take the next best squad and make that the leader, but it does not make it the ?0 unit. In a normal campaign it takes 1 or 2 battles before the leader gets shifted to the ?0 slot?

For me this is just what I remember reading, I guard ?0 units, and can't remember the last one I lost in a campaign setting. I let all those redshirt ?1 and ?2 units take all the heat, keeping the ?0 out of combat helps on order generation and rallying.
thanks, John.

Anthony_MatrixForum -> (4/16/2002 6:43:27 AM)

I have found the ranks info in the .cam file and have sent a new version of the program to Fabio for the Armor Site.

I have noticed some wierd moving of squads as well, but I think this is something deep in the game ( but probably a sife-effect of the ranks issues as discussed) ?!

I will send a new message when the new version is available


Anthony_MatrixForum -> New Version now available (4/16/2002 8:17:53 AM)

Hi all,

Fabio has just put the new version of the program in place - so go for it !.

(This version didn't have much testing, so email me if there are problems.....)

As before it is at

[URL=http://www.fprado.com/armorsite/spwaw_downloads.htm]Armor Site Downloads[/URL]


RockinHarry -> CAM file content (4/16/2002 11:05:48 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Anthony
[B]I have found the ranks info in the .cam file and have sent a new version of the program to Fabio for the Armor Site.

I have noticed some wierd moving of squads as well, but I think this is something deep in the game ( but probably a sife-effect of the ranks issues as discussed) ?!

I will send a new message when the new version is available

Anthony [/B][/QUOTE]

hi Anthony,

you might want to check this, too:



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