long_time_fan -> RE: Message to David (9/11/2008 5:34:55 AM)
At first, all I wanted a game that played CFL on a CFL field. While it was a little buggy, it beat everything out there in the market (which was essentially nothing since David's own CFL 99). I've watched this game move from an up-coming game on his Wintervalley website and read what was being said in the forum for a while before taking the plunge last August. It was BY FAR the best money I've spent on a game in a long, long time. I don't know if David will read this or is even following what's being posted, but this game has exceeded what I was expecting when I purchased it, and with the help of dedicated moders (like Mykal and others) the game looks and feels like something I've spend a good deal more on. Once again, thanks Dave. It's too bad that we won't see that paid expansion pack, and it feels like MaxFB 3.0 is no longer on the table for the future, but I'm happy with this game and will play it for years to come. Later, LTF