tbriert -> Question on CSC's and hidden leader ratings (9/17/2008 3:54:01 AM)
I am currently playing a game as the Union with CSC's on, semi-random leader ratings, and hidden leader ratings. I have had numerous leaders who as CSC's, have been involved in many battles, sometimes more than 10, and still, their attack rating remains unknown. In fact, every CSC in all my armies seems to have an unknown attack rating, and only the ones who have been in independent combat have their ratings revealed. My question is this. Is this WAD? If a CSC with hidden ratings never exercises an independent command, will combat as part of a corps ever reveal his true ratings, or will they always be unknown? If they are going to always be unknown, how on earth are we ever going to know which CSC's to keep in our corps, and which ones have the dreaded '1' attack rating and thus need to be sidelined? Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this.