Question on CSC's and hidden leader ratings (Full Version)

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tbriert -> Question on CSC's and hidden leader ratings (9/17/2008 3:54:01 AM)

I am currently playing a game as the Union with CSC's on, semi-random leader ratings, and hidden leader ratings.

I have had numerous leaders who as CSC's, have been involved in many battles, sometimes more than 10, and still, their attack rating remains unknown. In fact, every CSC in all my armies seems to have an unknown attack rating, and only the ones who have been in independent combat have their ratings revealed.

My question is this. Is this WAD? If a CSC with hidden ratings never exercises an independent command, will combat as part of a corps ever reveal his true ratings, or will they always be unknown? If they are going to always be unknown, how on earth are we ever going to know which CSC's to keep in our corps, and which ones have the dreaded '1' attack rating and thus need to be sidelined?

Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Question on CSC's and hidden leader ratings (9/17/2008 1:40:39 PM)

Good question, I don't know the answer to this one, but hopefully Joel will see this and chime in.

stormbringer3 -> RE: Question on CSC's and hidden leader ratings (5/11/2009 4:32:28 PM)

I have not received my game yet, but I have been reading most of the posts in this forum to learn as much as I can before it arrives. If this question was answered in another post I must have missed it, so I thought I'd bump this post to see if someone would give an opinion.

Treefrog -> RE: Question on CSC's and hidden leader ratings (5/11/2009 5:55:29 PM)

"Is this WAD?".

Please define WAD.

Joel Billings -> RE: Question on CSC's and hidden leader ratings (5/11/2009 6:01:30 PM)

Working as designed. Yes, I think this is WAD, that a CSC will not reveal values. A leader serving as a CSC is not considered to be at a high enough level to reveal his true abilities (it would be too much info since the real impact they could have is at the Corps and Army level).

GShock -> RE: Question on CSC's and hidden leader ratings (5/12/2009 8:35:09 AM)

shuffling leaders is the key...sometimes the army mod also gets revealed and it's a critical factor for high ranking leaders when chosing whether or not they're worthy of being AC. 

Doc o War -> RE: Question on CSC's and hidden leader ratings (5/12/2009 8:53:49 AM)

I know Gshock likes the Random leader ratings- but all the people I play have decided to just use the Historic ratings- which I have to say is easier and frankly- these leaders were probably as bad as they were rated, and even the historic leaders can improve, or get worse- Just my own bent here- but I am not a fan of the random leader ratings-
  on the flip side- I have become a fan of Limited Point Recovery- that really puts a challenge on the players- and has a good historic feel to it. So for me- No Random leader option but yes- Limited point Recovery adds just the right flavor.

GShock -> RE: Question on CSC's and hidden leader ratings (5/13/2009 8:08:55 AM)

Well to each his own... the problem is that you lose the hardest thing of the game, especially for the initial union efforts if you play with historical values not to mention that if you play with historical values you already know the ratings and so that renders the hidden stats rule totally useless. Why turning down such beauty? [:)]

Limited CP recovery is a great rule that has a big effect on offensive operations. I generally keep the good trainers behind and shuffle stacks forth and back to change the scouting's particularly useful in winter when you know you can hardly have initiative. Now, with this rule in place sometimes i had to miss an opportunity to attack because the stacks were not ready. It does come handy if you use the trainers in front line to have the MIL trained by the AC himself. When you pull the INF inside the combat leader stacks you can't attack but that's because you HAVE to keep the stacks always ready and that means you can't really attack with the training leaders behind. Which is good of course. [:)]

Record: Mc Clellan 4-2-3
          Mc Dowell 1-2-1

herwin -> RE: Question on CSC's and hidden leader ratings (5/13/2009 8:46:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: Treefrog

"Is this WAD?".

Please define WAD.

US Government-speak: "Working as Designed". Used to refer to misfeatures and bugs.

herwin -> RE: Question on CSC's and hidden leader ratings (5/13/2009 8:47:40 AM)



I know Gshock likes the Random leader ratings- but all the people I play have decided to just use the Historic ratings- which I have to say is easier and frankly- these leaders were probably as bad as they were rated, and even the historic leaders can improve, or get worse- Just my own bent here- but I am not a fan of the random leader ratings-
  on the flip side- I have become a fan of Limited Point Recovery- that really puts a challenge on the players- and has a good historic feel to it. So for me- No Random leader option but yes- Limited point Recovery adds just the right flavor.

That's how I play, too.

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