Hi all, Not been around for a long while due to work and other 'life' stuff getting in the way but decided to dig out Witp and play it again. Tried to download the patches but links would not work. It was the same with all other patches I tried to DL on the site. Is it me or is there a problem? Used IE and then tried Safari with no luck.
Hi all, Not been around for a long while due to work and other 'life' stuff getting in the way but decided to dig out Witp and play it again. Tried to download the patches but links would not work. It was the same with all other patches I tried to DL on the site. Is it me or is there a problem? Used IE and then tried Safari with no luck.
If it's the problem that I had your download stalls out near the end? I found that pausing the download and then restarting would allow the download to finish. A bit annoying, but it solved the problem.
Then a kind soul pointed out the way to download the Star Downloader and that elminated the problem totally. Get Star Downloader at http://www.stardownloader.com/
Hi, it was an odd one that resolved itself after a day or so. Maybe a problem with Matrix somewhere? Nice that someone from Matrix replied though :( They used too in the old days before they got rich, fat, old and uglier :)